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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Mar 30, 2023, 43 tweets


As today is #Weisselday, the day we learned Trump accountant Allen Weisselberg has abandoned Trump-paid attorneys & hired independent counsel - it means Allen is flipping against Trump

This is huge

Let's do a Thread

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Allen Weisselberg has been Trump's accountant for over 40 years, and worked prior to that for Trump's scumbag slumlord dad, Fred Trump. Allen is crooked. Allen is the ONLY person Trump has ever trusted with Trump's money. They are a criming duo

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So DECADES before Stormy Hush Money payment happened with Michael Cohen (of course Weisselberg was involved) - so well before Trump was even President - Weisselberg handled all Trump money, including money laundering crimes & tax fraud

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When FBI raided Michael Cohen's office in 2018, they discovered Weisselberg's crooked accounting books - the double bookkeeping. Since then New York prosecutors have built their case (did so for 4 years) and had 1.5 MILLION pages of Weisselberg books

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Prosecutors in New York also have Trump tax returns, the Deutsche Bank files, and files from the auditors of Trump Org, Mazars (who have issued a public notice, that their statements about Trump finances are no longer valid, after lies were exposed)

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These additional files are over 300,000 pages. Prosecutors also have several people who testified against Weisselberg incl an ex wife of one of Allen's sons, and of course Michael Cohen. Also 2 of Trump officers were immunized to testify against him

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Allen Weisselberg was in court last year. He pleaded guilty to all 15 counts against him then, including 13 years of tax fraud - and grand larceny. He is now serving time at Riker's Island prison

But those were SMALL PEANUTS charges against him then

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Allen got a rotten deal last year because he refused to flip fully against Trump. Allen only flipped - & testified in court - against Trump Org (Trump's companies). Those are now being supervised so Trump can no longer use his businesses for criming

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What do I mean? Weisselberg faced 12 years, and only got 5 months. Isn't that an unbelievably sweet deal? No. The one thing Allen needed he did not get - he got NO IMMUNITY

Allen faces about 7 more criminal trials (or sets of trials). No immunity

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So Allen Weisselberg has been stewing inside notorious Rikers Island prison now for 4 months, and then prosecutors visited him and told him, his SECOND (of 7) criminal trials is coming up. Now Allen faces LIFE in prison

Time to flip fully

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Let's start with Trial 1 - Tax Fraud

Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty (he confessed) to 15 counts of financial fraud - including grand larceny. He is a confessed serial fraudster. His NEXT conviction will be brutal sentence unless he flips

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The books they had on Weisselberg enabled prosecution to prove 13 years of tax fraud (from 2006 - 2018). Allen paid back taxes & fees worth about 3 million dollars. His total sentence was worth 12 years, but got only 5 mo because of his plea bargain

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In court filings, prosecutors told judge that there are OTHER TAX FRAUDS in addition to Weisselberg at Trump Org (among those obviously Trump kids, Ivanka, Beavis & Butthead Trump). They WILL be tried, convicted, pay back taxes, and go to prison too

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Prosecution did not mention NAMES (it is my guess, that these are Trump kids) and of course prosecution did not say anything about these other tax frauds and any future charges (that is my guess, of course NY prosecutes ALL tax frauds, ALWAYS)

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Prosecutors ALSO told in court filings that there is at least one person at Trump Org who is a BIGGER TAX FRAUD than Weisselberg (who paid $3 million). This must be Trump. Of course it is Trump. And OF COURSE New York will charge Trump for tax fraud

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Understand this point: NY prosecutors have told in court documents to NY Judge that they have PROOF of a tax fraud bigger than Weisselberg in HIS crooked accounting. That IS Donald Trump. And Allen's OWN tax crimes were worth 12 YEARS in prison.

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Before we look at any NEW charges & trials of Weisselberg, that tax fraud that Weisselberg CONFESSED was worth 12 years of prison time in New York state

Trump is BIGGER tax fraud. I estimate 15 years. And Trump cannot flip against anyone

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Did I get your attention?

Allen Weisselberg confessed to crimes, for which NY has his crooked accounting, that is worth 12 years in prison

Same books show a bigger criminal = Trump
And now Weisselberg flips against Trump

15 YEARS, JUST on taxes

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America's most notorious gangster Al Capone, a murderer, smuggler, extortionist, and vile human being - was convicted to prison for the rest of his life - on TAX FRAUD

But Tax Fraud in NY for Trump is only the BEGINNING of the pain with Weisselberg

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Weisselberg's books prove tax fraud ALSO IN OTHER STATES. We KNOW of such tax fraud at least in IL, MD, CA, NJ, DC and FL. Even if you 'only ' add 5 years for each of those states, that is 30 years ON TOP of the 15 in NY state prison

Plus IRS!!!

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We know from court filings that the IRS is also investigating Trump for these SAME crimes that he committed in New York as state crimes. Trump FEDERAL tax fraud is YET another 15 years on top of those 45 years so far

But wait, there's more!

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A WORSE crime for Trump and Weisselberg is Money Laundering for the Mafia. Trump has a long history of money laundering crimes. His casinos in New Jersey were Mafia fronts used for money laundering. And Allen handled ALL money

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One of Allen Weisselberg's sons was personally running the money laundering operation at Trump Ice Rink. Allen's negotiations will force him to pick between his own son or Trump. Again, remember the prosecution HAVE the evidence & multiple witnesses

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The division of labor in NY was so that Manhattan DA handles the fast and easy case (tax fraud), while NY Attorney General handles the more complex and longer investigation into money laundering. This may be why Trump suddenly mentions Tish James

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How much prison time? Weisselberg & Trump face up to Life Sentences in NY for their money laundering for the Mafia.

But Trump laundered money also OUTSIDE of NY State. So bring in the FBI and DOJ, there is also FEDERAL Money Laundering, next case

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Federal money laundering is separate crime, also carries up to Life in prison for both

But wait. There is more

Then there is SANCTIONS BUSTING. This is a federal crime against the United States of America

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When Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, President Obama slapped on the biggest sanctions on Russia there had ever been. And of course it was illegal to deal with the sanctioned Russians. Have a guess who did that business? Trump

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To make the sanctions busting easy Putin had one of his banks set up an office in Trump Tower. Trump LAUNDERED MONEY for Putin, against USA sanctions. This is such a severe federal crime Weisselberg & Trump face federal Life Remaining Without Parole

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Then there was a slew of pilfering and theft and fraud while Trump was running for President, and then from the White House. If Trump made money out of it, Weisselberg was involved. But two of these crimes are worth mentioning in this long Thread...

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Presidential pardons. Trump took bribes for everything he did. We do not 'know' by any evidence so far but it seems obvious that for the pardons, Trump took bribes. If so, Weisselberg handled all that money, & will have to testify when he flips

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Note - if a government official took a bribe for an official act, it is a criminal act. And all those PARDONS become suspect. We may well see them litigated in the Supreme Court. I would not be surprised if corrupt pardons become overturned... :-)

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How much prison time? I estimated on very rough level back in 2021, that Trump (and Weisselberg and Jared) face 700 years each, for this series of pardoning bribe crimes.

But wait, there's more..

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We do not 'know' this, by ANY reporting or evidence. But we pretty much KNOW that if Trump took bribes for everything else, he MUST have taken bribes for his most valuable decisions - the three appointment into lifetime posts at US Supreme Court

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If Trump took bribes for his SCOTUS appointments, absolutely beyond any doubt, the only person he could have trusted to handle those bribe payments (how much, $5 million per Justice, or $10 million?) would have been Weisselberg.

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How much prison time? 3x Federal Life Remaining Without Parole

But wait, there is more

Then the Classified Documents Theft, and Espionage. Trump did not steal docs to READ them.
He wanted to SELL the secrets. If money involved = Weisselberg

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Weisselberg was arrested in the summer of 2021. The classified documents case broke into public domain in summer 2022. So for most of that public part, Allen was not handling Trump's funds related to espionage

BUT... The INTENTION was to sell them

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Trump PLANNED the THEFT of US Government Classified Documents in the AUTUMN of 2020, executed mostly in late 2020 and January 2021. Trump needed to sell the secrets to FOREIGNERS. To move FOREIGN money. This meant Weisselberg

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During that time, autumn 2020, January 2021, the PLANS for how to sell US secrets (and to WHICH enemies of USA) was planned with Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows, Weisselberg and Trump. MAYBE some 2-3 other people, but mostly these 4

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Jared flipped in 2021. Mark Meadows flipped in 2022. Allen Weisselberg is VERY screwed, in that 2 of 4 in this espionage conspiracy have ALREADY flipped. He is in a VERY weak position. But he HAS to confess EVERY crime, else his flip is pointless

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How much time? Trump faces on the THEFT of Classified Docs alone, about 1,500 years more, on top of all the above. I do not see Weisselberg 'exposed' on a millenium of time (Meadows is) but Allen's role is worth at least a CENTURY more in prison

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You see my point? There is no other person on the planet who can testify to as much of Trump's total criminality, as Weisselberg can. Not Bill Barr, not Mark Meadows, not Ivanka, Jared, not the Slovenian Rental, nor Michael Cohen, Corcoran, Giuliani

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The first sign in Trumpworld of someone flipping, is when they abandon their Trump-paid attorney. We saw this with Michael Cohen & Cassidy Hutchison. Now Allen Weisselberg has done the same (likely last week)

Weisselberg is flipping against Trump

To everybody in this Thread:

THANK YOU. In just over half a day, you have spread this Thread so widely among your followers, that this Thread has been read by over a quarter of a million people. That is far more than my total reach


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