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ਇਸ਼ਕ ਪੰਜਾਬ Ishq PanJab

Mar 30, 2023, 7 tweets

#Thread on #Baoli #Kanech

Baoli at Kanech,Payal Ludhiana #Punjab

This Baoli From
Emperor #ShershahSuri’s Time Period was built in Early 17th Century in Kanech Village of Ludhiana

The structure is built on a rectangular plan. It is a double storey structure. There are steps that leads to the basement. There is a small well.

There are many rooms on ground floor and basement floor.

There are niches like design on the walls. All the gateways are arched

Baoli's are wells or ponds with a long corridor of steps that descend to the water level. Stepwells played a significant role The construction of stepwells is mainly utilitarian, though they may include embellishments of architectural significance, and be temple tank.

The building is made of Lahori bricks plastered with lime plaster and mud.

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