Mu’awiyyah Yusuf Muye Profile picture
Realist • Certified Professional In PR/Corporate Communication (AIPS) • International Relations/Diplomacy • Kakanda • Opinions are Mine, RTs≠ Endorsmnt

Mar 30, 2023, 50 tweets



Yesterday I promised to do a Thread on the whole EndSars lies & propaganda fest today, Here we go.

In Oct. 2020, A Nigeria Rapper @RuggedyBaba sent out a false tweet about NPF Unit called SARS

I have no idea if @RuggedyBaba’s tweet was planned or just a coincidence with the whole #ENDSARS movement, but the whole incident gave birth to the whole protest, not the movement, before the protest, @segalink was already doing EndSars campaign & we always counter by telling him

Ending Sars wasn’t possible but reforming it was the easier thing to do as our society needed policing. When the whole rugged man tweet happened, @ishakaa warned us but a lot of us didn’t listen, for those that didn’t know, the tweet was the origin of the EndSars Protest.

Let me not bore you with the whole story as a lot of people are already aware of what happened, the point of this thread is to show you a lot of lies that happened before, during and after the protest, and how it is connected and similar with the obedient movement right now.

& how they are doing the same thing now, lies and propaganda to sustain the Obi movement & they are planning a similar protest, even tho I know a lot of people aren’t taking them seriously, because alot of people have seen through them but for emphasis sake, we need to have this

Evidences out there because they are not smart, they are using the same blueprint for it.

The whole protest as you can see from @RuggedyBaba’s tweet started based on lies
The protest was sustained on lies and ended on lies and propaganda.

During the protest, a lot of pictures of innocent people were tweeted that they have died, shot by the police, the first was Nigerian Actress, @BadmusEniola, until she came out and debunked the news but by then, her supposed death had enraged alot of people

We are all aware of what happened during the early days of the protest where they demanded things from Gov’t and Gov’t granted all their demands, but they were actually shocked because they didn’t know those demands will be granted easily because they were ridiculous, however

Gov’t must have had Intels on them and was managing the whole issue well. And since those demands weren’t their motive for the protest, they continued the protest, a protest led by a midget undergraduate named @SavvyRinu who claim to be an activist but was a PDP supporter

The lies and propaganda continued, the next lie was that of a Corper, tbh, it might not be impossible for all the actors to be a willing player in the whole plot. It was well orchestrated

Mind you, I have more than 50-100 cases of these Some one was killed which we investigated and turned out to be lies, another young man that allegedly participated in the protest was stabbed by armed robbers at their home as corroborated by his brother but they claim he was shot

Here is another tweet bursting their lies. A lot of events occurred during the protest which I can’t remember now but check the next tweet.

After 2 weeks or so of protest that neither had a clear agenda or direction, but was metamorphosing into anarchy, in this whole period, the Nigerian military remained professional, there was never any incident of forceful attack on the protesters, rather they were seen to be

calming things down, the police were being attacked, meanwhile it became obvious that their targets were President Buhari, Asiwaju, Sanwo olu and APC by extension, it was clear a daylight.

The Government after days of staying calm and allowing them to be lawless in the interest of peace and to avoid the whole thing escalating into a full anarchy since their motives were already know decided to put a stop to it and declared 24 hour curfew.

The people leading the protesters told them to defy the curfew & government, some of those people later showed their double standards as they can only disobey Nigeria’s laws because they don’t have any sense of patriotism but will easily obey that of other countries

But like they said, we move right.

Come the introduction of a witch named @dj_switchaholic, no pun intended, but watch this video and judge for yourself. The name and the act sound the same and it definitely can’t be a coincidence.

Audio: if you think @RuggedyBaba’s tweet started the protest, then you can confidently conclude that DJ Witch @dj_switchaholic’s well orchestrated & mischievous tricks took the violence in the protest to its heights, she single-handedly started the Lekki massacre narrative…

@dj_switchaholic started a live broadcast as per CNN journalist in a war area (Lekki Toll Gate) where she alleged the army were shooting at protesters.…

Video: I watched @dj_switchaholic’s live that night, after all the lies they have told throughout the protest, and watching the live which looked staged, I was sick to my stomach because I never believed one thing in it because it looked so fake

But I also couldn’t come out to say I don’t believe this stuff because I was already like public enemy number 1. From those that think you are insensitive to those that think oh you are in Gov’t, so you can’t blame Gov’t. I and my beloved brother had an argument only for him

To leave for the airport because he was going to Lagos, well, the end of the story was, he had to take a bike through the bush to the airport because the airport road was blocked, when he called to tell me, I honestly didn’t even feel bad for him because I was so pissed

Anyways, DJ Witch @dj_switchaholic continued with her weird videos, without sounding insensitive, I will let you be the judge of these videos

After her live where they were removing bullets with bare hands 🤣🤣 and the man was shouting la illa illa Allah, and then gave up the ghost (refer to my first DJ switch video on this thread) a lot of people including Muslims in the north became enraged and were insulting buhari

My brother complained bitterly because he nearly missed his flight. After an argument with me defending them, just like many other people did and later regretted.

The fake news continued, at this point, after the Lekki toll gate massacre claims, the whole of Nigeria was insulting buhari including those in his Gov’t (but they didn’t resign in protest sha), Infact, some connected to his family were insulting him. It was a bad year to be PMB

But we held our ground, some of us knew they were lies and defended in public, some kept quiet for their sanity. I had panic attacks for days, I couldn’t sleep because I thought Libya scenarios was already upon us.

So Nigerian celebs like @falzthebahdguy and @yemialadee who till date don’t have the decency to apologize for amplifying lies and propaganda and for misleading the world started spreading a fake picture of NYSC Christian Group Drama as that of Lekki Massacre…

The world answered because “power of internet”, whether it was planned or by accident, the likes of @HillaryClinton and other world famous celebs joined in, @CNN @CNNAfrica @CNNINTNewsource became their number one supporter in spreading the lies and propaganda

DJ witch claimed she took 15 dead bodies to the army, this is the same army that throughout the protest were professional and never engage them despite their violence in the name of protest across the country she was accusing. She later said 70 people died and she saw them

I was wondering. You took dead people to the army, as a witness of a massacre perpetrated by them & they left you “the witness” alone, they didn’t harm you? When asked why she didn’t record the dead people, she claimed her phone battery was flat. Never seen such a chronic liar

More lies of dead people were refuted.

More lies and propaganda all refuted but after it has travelled wide and the disclaimer couldn’t travel as the lies. These liars were getting thousands of retweets per second, that’s why I believe Jack dosey of twitter was complicit and was helping them how ever he could

They claimed cameras at the toll gate were removed, amplified by @davido, only to refute it later

Celebrities that till today have never come out to apologize for helping in burning down Lagos that have given them so much, more than their states have given them. They were never remorseful, such unpatriotic elements

I heard this one has deleted his social media accounts now and is facing criminal case in the uk. This guy was the number one fake news purveyor, he took it to Club House and was hosting rooms and subtly instigating against northerners.

They wanted the president to address them, they shouted for days for him to address them, he finally addressed them, they became even more angry that he addressed them. I was as confused as you.…

They were calling UN, US, UK, Cambodia, Mars and aliens to come and save them, on top lies o. This lady became so fed up she had to do open letter for them.

Graphic Video: here were the protesters maiming policemen, they became what they were supposedly protesting against. Till today I don’t understand these set of people and some one once advised me not to try to understand those kind of people because I will be lost even more…

We started getting threats, some one that actually worked in my office sent my number that Nigerians should deal with me, it took a lot of begging for me not to take him to police for my safety. This is some one I have always been nice to o.

More lies and propaganda

More lies. Blatant lies. No apologies, despite what happened to Lagos.

Consequences of their actions

Kanu was in the background instigating them, but after Lekki lies, he came out full throttle and revealed himself as their commander in chief all the while. No wonder they claimed they didn’t have leaders…

Kanu’s agenda & theirs aligned. If you see how these obedients behave today, you knw there is no difference, have you ever seen them condemning kanu? Have u ever seen PO condemning kanu? When the president warned IPOB, didn’t they report him to twitter to get his tweet deleted?…

At this point, I am tired and I have littered your TLs enough today. But I have more of them, a lot more, all the lies and propaganda

The agenda was clear.

A lot of them were actually just naive and misled but a lot of them knew the bigger agenda behind EndSars.

Anyways. I will stop here. I have messed the TL up enough today.

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