3D 🥛 Profile picture
I am a Satoshi, one of many. Digital Druid, idoit'er, poor dev, #BuildRDAO, Uplifter, O/O: @PvtPpr |-Artist by Tradition-||-Coder by Hobby-||-Hasher by Trade-|

Mar 30, 2023, 11 tweets

Screenshot with the text "start image" is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output


Whom did the #AI output though?

Screenshot with the text "start image" is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

Trash to Treasure, littearly by #AI (@nightcafestudio)

Screenshot with the text "start image" is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

I love the front effect follow through and I kinda thought this one would sex change cause that guy has long curly hair

Screenshot with the text "start image" is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

Insane difference

Left image is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

The output reminds me of that iconic Bob Marley image and I don't have bob, marley nor any words to relate other than like pot, weed, 420 & marijuana

The image on the right is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

IDK how we went from dual robot holdnought wassies to marijuana supplies

The image on the right is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

Traditional (right) VS Modern (left) desk supplies

The image on the right is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

Look at them perfect buds on that micro grinder #smallBUDS

The image on the right is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

I love the end result, a great ad image or stock image

The image on the right is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

Sometimes the AI does this, it'll go just go oppisite of what's given caue it doesn't know what to do.

We bits of both top halves hair & etc of bits

The image on the right is the image I passed through the #MarijuanaAI_Filter

The other image is the output

The next Iconic Duo ⤵️

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