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Mar 31, 2023, 18 tweets

This is the map of Kenya. Yellow represents the geographic areas where President Ruto harvested votes.
Blue represents the strength of Raila Odinga in the 2022 poll

According to official IEBC records, Ruto won the election. But not with a landslide.
During the Uhuruto victory of 2013, the pattern was almost similar.

Uhuruto again won narrowly in 2022.
At worst, Raila Odinga has attracted political capital a cross more counties than both President Ruto and retired President Kenyatta.

In 2013, the tyranny of Kikuyu and Kalenjin numbers got UhuRuto victory.

Meaning, majority of other regions voted for Raila, according him a national outlook. #HandLegShake

In 2022 however, President Ruto ate into the Odinga pie in Western Kenya, specifically among the Ababukusu and Maragoli.#HandLegShake

Ruto also performed well in Coast Province. But Raila prevailed #HandLegShake

Raila lost the election. But he has considerable support countrywide #HandLegShake

Raila is a political mammal. Currently jobless, idle.

He used the water shed period between October 2022 and February to fix personal errands... Including nomination of his daughter to EALA.#HandLegShake

But now, Maandamano is starting to scatter the hustler agenda... and the Wealthy West.

Ruto and Gachagua insist Raila must stay out because he refused to whip his MPs to pass the Official Opposition bill in Parliament.

Ruto's plan was to ensure Raila gets the official opposition slot... Retired President Uhuru the older diploma role. Kalonzo the position in between.#HandLegShake

But Raila is not keen for some reason. And Gachagua wants Uhuru politically dead. #HandLegShake

Forget about Riggy G tantrums.
The President and Raila Odinga can meet. They need not shake hands. They are the duo most influential personas in the country. #HandLegShake

They are peers. Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is not in that class.
He will get there in the fullness of time. When he realizes that Kenyans dislike people who yell at them.

The agenda for Raila and President Ruto meeting? Change the Constitution to accommodate a losing Presidential candidate who garners 48 per cent of the vote.

Agenda number 2. Increase revenue allocation to counties 50+1. So that local politicians, cartels get enough to eat. And drink. #HandLegShake

Agenda number 3. Give picketing a Kenyan definition and decorum.. So that police can know the type of tear gas to use.#HandLegShake

Maandamano: Diminishing Options for President Ruto

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