Craig Baird - Canadian History Ehx Profile picture
Settler living on Treaty 6 land. Host of Canadian History Ehx, From John to Justin & Canada A Yearly Journey. All part of the Curiouscast Network

Mar 31, 2023, 23 tweets

Every Canadian Prime Minister as the lead singer of a 1980s metal band:

23. Justin Trudeau

22. Stephen Harper

21. Paul Martin

20. Jean Chretien

19. Kim Campbell

18. Brian Mulroney

17. John Turner

16. Joe Clark

15. Pierre Trudeau

14. Lester B. Pearson

13. John Diefenbaker

12. Louis St. Laurent

11. R.B. Bennett

10. William Lyon Mackenzie King

9. Arthur Meighen

8. Sir Robert Borden

7. Sir Wilfrid Laurier

6. Sir Charles Tupper

5. Sir Mackenzie Bowell

4. Sir John Sparrow David Thompson

3. Sir John Abbott

2. Alexander Mackenzie

1. Sir John A. Macdonald

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