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Apr 1, 2023, 25 tweets

Long 🧵 in Ferit’s POV
Past vs Present 🕰️

Let’s revisit the past since some ppl use it to justify Seyran’s behaviour. Scene by scene through F’s eyes. I’ve criticised him previously, so ima do the same when seyran is wrong.

#YaliÇapkini #SeyFer

“seyran took this marriage seriously that’s why she’s hurt” here’s your answer. Just like ferit, she didn’t take it seriously either in the beginning. They were BOTH forced but had a mutual agreement on the nature of their relationship. #YaliÇapkini #SeyFer

Ppl fail to mention Ferit wanted S early on. He caught feelings, tried to show S & she’d always push him to P, saying “I don’t want you” even when he needed comfort. He felt insecure that she didn’t seem to like him as a person, yet he always sympathised with her


Look how she hits F, calls him pathetic opportunist bc suna kissed him & then asks for help - he was hurt bc of her unfair & exaggerated insults. Doesn’t justify his response, but he didn’t do it unprovoked like some of y’all spin it +
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

Why was suna so confident Ferit would help her? Bc he’s been there for them without an agenda. Seyran knows it, decides to insult him over what SUNA did, then expects him to shrug off her insults “maybe you made her drink so much on purpose” +
#YaliÇapkini #Seyfer…

She turned the situation on him. “Your trying to make feel guilty for what I said”
SHE was trying to make him feel guilty for what her SISTER did. For her outburst that kazim overheard. Ferit wanted a fun night out for them yet somehow he’s the villain here
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

Ferit wanted to help her from the start of the convo, but what does S do? Attack him. That’s overlooked. When Seyran’s angry it’s ok for her to shout, verbally & physically abuse him. When he reacts the same way, he’s an abuser +

#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

When F first agreed to stop seeing P, it meant they’d be offical & she S backed out, said no go see P or any girl Idc, I just want to study. Again, seyran knew about P & pushed him towards her as long as their marriage stayed formal
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

she wants to study, she doesn’t want him seeing P, he agrees. BUT nor does she want to give their marriage a chance, what does she imply? Being roommates for life? +
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

“He wants kids with P” This was after S repeatedly said she didn’t want kids with him, remember that part?
He told P to move on with the right guy but said the opposite to S out of anger. He told S the truth twice & lashed out when she kept calling him a liar

6. When F questioned yusuf, it wasn’t just bc of sex. “What does he have that I dont” - rooted in, insecurity, fear that he’d lose her, so he tired tying her down. F was falling in love, trying to get close but she kept rejecting him. He admits to it +

“ferit speaks to P & lies to S”
“it’s diff with S&Y bc she was threatened”

ok so, y’all acknowledge S was blackmailed, but not that F is emotionally manipulated? Seyran is a victim of Yusuf, kazim, but ferit isn’t a victim of Pelin?
Very one sided & unfair

📎 “when things don’t go your way you get ugly” really S? What about these many moments of ferit approaching seyran calmly? These are only a few examples (more below this post)
#yaliçapkini #SeyFer

& more. He tries to communicate in a healthy way MANY times before he reacts to seyran. It’s funny bc she calls F selfish, yet he extends his kindness as she was rejects him, what did he gain? How did he behave “ugly” when he never had his way with her
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

F acknowledges his past & apologised. When ferit hurts seyran he hurts himself. He’s never not cried & been emotional when they fight. Whereas S needs suna to remind her that F has emotions too
#YaliCapkini #Seyfer

The big difference? Ferit sees it as seyfer against everyone.
Seyran views it as ferit vs seyran.
#Seyfer #YaliCapkini

The show evolves, ferit is changing & he was never evil to begin with. If we’re talking about patterns, He’s tries so hard, but Seyran’s indifference since the start hasn’t changed. I can clearly see his love for her
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

Ferit was a different guy, fall in love, tried to win S over but was met with coldness & rejection. Even that airport kiss in ferits eyes, meant nothing bc her actions don’t match her words “I did it for your fam, don’t read into it”
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

He tries to understand her, she yells & insults him. He steps back, he’s not doing enough. He chases after her, he’s pressuring her. He doesn’t chase after her, he doesn’t care. #yaliçapkini #Seyfer

Her negativity & bitter words play a big role in his behaviour. Just like S gets triggered, so does he. He’s a human being. Now imagine Ferit saying this to her 🙃
Imagine his facial expression are always aggressive & cold.
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

The sad part? Even suna feel safer with F than her father 🙃 I get she’s afraid to be vulnerable, but so was ferit & yet he tries bc he loves her.
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

“Ferit insults her honour as a woman; who knows how many guys you’ve tricked”
what about all the times seyran attacks his manhood prior to that?
#yaliçapkini #Seyfer

I’m rooting for seyfer!! not siding with either one of them. I wanted elaborate on the F’s past that’s always brought up. ALSO I’ve criticised Ferits actions previously so I won’t be repetitive & respond to comments on F that I’ve already spoken about 🪡
#yaliçapkini #SeyFer

Let’s not act like ferits actions were for fun. They’ve both been toxic to e/o even when the story progresses, F changes, somehow Seyran’s always the victim. I’ll add more later & make a 🧵 on ep 26, good night for now #yaliçapkini #SeyFer

PLEASE don’t waste your time commenting if your just gonna recite ferits past words & if your ignoring his pov only seeing Seyran’s 👋I love Seyfer but this is my opinion. You can love characters & recognise their flaws - no one’s perfect 👍 #yaliçapkini #SeyFer

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