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This scene my favourite!🔥
Mert acting is phenomenal, Ferit’s attitude and voice, his shaking hand always leaves me speechless, when he told Orhan to wait- it was shaking in anger, exhaustion but not in fear.
The confrontation much awaited!
Halis vs Ferit 🌋
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
No one dare to differ with Halis or do other than what he told, who ever try it’s either an enemy or a successor.

“Her söz senin ağam sözünse, bu da beni ferit korhan sözüm.”
The highlight of the scene.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer ImageImage
No one is allowed to brag about himself or his name in that yali other than Halis Ağa, he made sure everyone is an extension of him and his name, he keeps them small in order for him to be great, he owns them by owning his family’s name.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Read 12 tweets
33. Bölüm Seyran’ı hakkında bir şeyler diyeceğim… 🧵🪡
Siz Seyran’dan boşuna sağlıklı tavırlar bekliyorsunuz. Seyran şuanda iyi değil. Kaç kez baygınlık, panik atak, sinir krizi geçirdi… en bilincinin kapandığı an boşanma ertesi oldu. ++ #YalıÇapkını #SeyFer Image
Yaşadığı onca şeyin en beteri Ferit’den ayrılmak Seyran için. “Davranışların dili” diyip duran ve her şeyi dile dökmeden davranışlarıyla vermeye çalışan Seyran, aynı şekilde Ferit’in davranışlarında onun sevgisini, özürünü, sahiplenmesini görmek istedi. ++ #YalıÇapkını #SeyFer Image
Boşanma ikisinin arasına sınır çekmekle birlikte, artık kavga etmeyi de anlamsızlaştırdı. Çünkü artık iki yabancılar. Birbirilerinin üstünde söz sahibi değiller. İkisi de duruşmada evet diyip seçim yaptı. İki tarafta gel diyemez, anca birbirlerine çekilebilirler. #YalıÇapkını ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Finally finished #YalıÇapkını 29; I won’t be surprised if it takes me longer next week. Seyran did the right thing for her. Not a single man in her life - one who calls her daughter, one who calls her granddaughter, one who calls her wife, treated her like a human being. /1
Ferit pushed her buttons w/ P till the end, refusing to put boundaries around the spineless sloth b/c he’s Ferit Korhan & only he gets to decide when it’s the end. Seyran’s pleas, requests fell on deaf ears while he still kept chatting with Sadik. #YalıÇapkını /2
Why did Ferit storm Kazim’s house a second time? How many more times would he repeat this cycle? He misbehaves or his past catches up with him, Seyran leaves, & he forces her to come back b/c they are the Korhans. #YalıÇapkını/3
Read 15 tweets
Seyran being in Suna’s room in the yali can has a simple explanation. Mind you from the first frag we saw the same day she also receives her stuff from the yali, Kazim hitting her again (she was wearing the same outfit). +

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
As far as I get it Halis comes and takes her back while Suna seems to be left at Kazim’s. She is again at the edge of breaking. S knows Saffet and his family are psychos. And again Seyran said it in the frag “I don’t beed mercy” she is very prideful person + ImageImageImageImage
who’s only wish is to have control over her life and yet again that was taken from her..ofc she won’t be dancing happily around and wanting to be back at seyfer’s room which mind you she last was when she thought F will hit her. She thinks she is going again into another prison +
Read 6 tweets
Ferit gibi biri aşkı için gururunu bıraktı ve tokata rağmen elini uzattı. Davranışlarında bir dili vardırı bu sefer ferit seyrana elini uzatarak gösterdi. Seyranın canı feritten daha çok yandı ama korkusundan o eli tutamadı 🥹 #yalıçapkını #seyfer
En çok sağ elini vurdu o el hem seyrana kalktığı için olay buralara kadar geldi hemde o el seyrana gel burdan gidelim için uzatıldı ama tutulmadı tokat için tutulan elini seyran barışmak için tutmadı ve ferit yıkıldı #yalıçapkını #mertramazandemir 👏🏻👏🏻
Bitti, biterse bitsin artık anam mısın babam mısın seyranın kendindeki yerini sorguladı ve seyranın annesi babasından bile kalbinde çok yer kapladığını farketti hıçkırarak ağlamaya başladı ışıklar yavaşça söndü karanlık üstüne çöktü #yalıçapkını #seyfer
Read 32 tweets
Seyran revolt era -

S is revolting against everyone who once “enslaved” her. She reached the edge, acting reckless, stubborn, making mistakes, not considering consequences or planning anything. Her ultimate goal is to take control over her life at any costs.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
defying K authority, beating & torture, she’s braking free from K “chains”, it doesn’t matter if her choices are rights/wrongs now, what matters is: to decide for herself. She never had the chance before & that’s one of obstacles that keeps her away from F.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
She is not able to accept the circumstances of her engagement, the way they objectified her, belittled her and silenced her voice.
Her who always dreamt about freedom, independency and despised the traditions that oppress women.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
‘ Her görüş her insan değerlidir yeter ki sınırları insanca olsun diyerek önce hepinizle bir 🫂’lım.
Ardından gelin 26 haftaya hızlı bir bakış atalım 👀

• Dizinin ana konusu iki ailenin döngüsü üzerine kurulu.
Defalarca kez bu bizlere her kişi için işlendi.
• Ardından bir Ferit tanıdık, zeki - yetenekli - duygusal - bir o kadar da öfkeli ama insan sarrafı bir çocuk.
“Çapkın” dedik önce sonra acabalarımız başladı.
- Sevilmemişti
- Birey olmasına izin verilmemişti
- Suçlanmıştı
- Yetmemiş kıskanılmıştı
- Ve yalnızdı.
• Seyran’ı gördük, yazgısına razı gelmemeyi kafasına koyup emek verirken aslında yazgının yükünü boynuna takacak olan olmasına saniyeler içinde tanık olduk.
- Örselenmişti
- Bir babanın para kasası olmuştu
- Yarı yolda bırakılmıştı
- Kararlıydı
- Ve yalnızdı.
Read 13 tweets
Key scene of Ep26 imo; giving insight to what’s to come.
The Ep wasn’t about who’s right & who’s wrong but a display of characters inner psyche and behaviours.

وَلَاۤ اُقۡسِمُ بِالنَّفۡسِ اللَّوَّامَةِؕ
(75:2) and nay, I swear by the self-reproaching soul!
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Quran has mentioned three kinds of human self:
- Ammarah: the self that urges man to evil
- Lawwamah: the self that feels repentant at doing wrong, thinking wrong & willing wrong & reproaches man for this & the same is called conscience in modern terminology
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
- Mumtmainnah: the self that feels full satisfaction at following the right path and abandoning the wrong path.

Equivalent to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory -
Id, Ego and Superego.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Read 15 tweets
Long 🧵 in Ferit’s POV
Past vs Present 🕰️

Let’s revisit the past since some ppl use it to justify Seyran’s behaviour. Scene by scene through F’s eyes. I’ve criticised him previously, so ima do the same when seyran is wrong.

#YaliÇapkini #SeyFer
“seyran took this marriage seriously that’s why she’s hurt” here’s your answer. Just like ferit, she didn’t take it seriously either in the beginning. They were BOTH forced but had a mutual agreement on the nature of their relationship. #YaliÇapkini #SeyFer
Ppl fail to mention Ferit wanted S early on. He caught feelings, tried to show S & she’d always push him to P, saying “I don’t want you” even when he needed comfort. He felt insecure that she didn’t seem to like him as a person, yet he always sympathised with her

Read 25 tweets
Blaming others and seeing their mistakes it's so easy yet taking a mirror and see your mistakes it's that hard in this ep all of them were blaming Ferit yet No one took a moment and said does Ferit is the only person with mistakes ? This is humans nature + #yalıçapkını #seyfer
Our brains choosing the best way to feel comfortable even by choosing denial escaping from reality now all of them chose Ferit korhan as their punch bag and a, way for escaping from their own mistakes yup no one is innocent nor saint + #yalıçapkını #seyfer
Seyran isn't saint she's human she makes mistakes this girl was in dilemma come back to her abuser dad or staying with çapkin husband yet she's free to do whatever she wants she chose the second chance I can't ignore how her sister forced her to stay with Ferit +#yalıçapkını
Read 8 tweets
#SeyFer healing each other 🤍

- Seyran defence mechanism;
Her past trauma, trust issues and overwhelming feelings for Ferit triggers her to SUBCONSCIOUSLY push him away to avoid being hurt.
Actions like starting arguments (harsh and provocative words) and avoiding emotional intimacy (refuse to open up) happen unconsciously - and are just an escape. Same as numbing and denying feelings to make them easier to cope with.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
The truth is; Seyran was deeply touched by Ferit love note and that triggered her fears and instinct to protect herself (harsh words & attitude)
She was also very pleased by the gifts and flowers but she denies it in front of Suna and on the phone with Ferit.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Read 11 tweets
Seyran, who always protected herself with her “strong” facade and hid all her feelings from F, her love as for her pain. Now she is not hiding anymore -as a start, she is showing her pain-
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
heartbroken and in tears, standing there in front of Ferit, expressing how hurt she feels, bringing back all their memories, outlining that yes she was forced to marriage but she always took it seriously, that she pinned hopes on everything he did for her.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
She is actually admitting that she was never indifferent towards him and that’s what makes it hurt even more.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Read 13 tweets
F dediği gibi öylesine söylemişti çünkü bu evliliği kurtuluş yolu olarak göstermişlerdi ona evlendiğinde sevebileceğini hiç düşünmedi. Seyran G'nin erkek çocuğunuz olur dedende bizi rahat bırakır dediğinide duysaydı canı dahada çok yanardı. #yalıçapkını
İlk baktığımda dediği evliliğe bakışı onu görüşü değil yani ailemin gönlü olsun diye evlendim sana bi gün gerçek karım olacaksın gözüyle bakmadığı için özür diliyor. Şimdi değiştirmek 'bizim' elimizde.Maruz kaldığın her şey için özür dilerim. #yalıçapkını
Senle ben savaşır mıyız? Aşkları için savaşıcaklar.
Senle ben kazanır mıyız? Bu aşk savaşını #seyfer beraber kazanıcaklar.
#yalıçapkını #mertramazandemir
Read 27 tweets
“I don’t mistrust reality, of which I know next to nothing. I mistrust the picture of reality conveyed to us by our senses, which is imperfect and circumscribed.” -Gerhard Richter

Episode 24: The Reflecting Window’s Multiplication of Worlds 🧵 #yaliçapkini
📎 Episode 23 abstract:
📎 Scene 1: (through the window) the fight continues
They’re fights have matured such grandly over the past three months. The love and preciousness for each other is highly visible at this point+
Read 114 tweets
F empty promises - here’s my opinion;
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
P didn’t want to live in London with her family, she is always afraid of them knowing when she messes up, always saying “you know how my family are” meaning they are strict and severe.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
F despite the fact that he never loved P and was a womaniser, we can’t deny the fact that P succeeded to make him soft for her to be his official girlfriend but that was it.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Read 18 tweets
“Bazen bir kalbi onarmanin, bir kalbi kirmaktan daha zor oldugunu ögrenir insan”
ama -
“Başka bir kalbi kıran bir kalbi onarmak bazen bir o kadar zordur”

Episode 23 : A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD 🧵 #SeyFer #yaliçapkini Image
The first blow:
Having become her theme song at this point, Takinti (obsession) plays. While Pelin’s planted seed continues to poison Seyran’s heart. She associates that doubt to every time Ferit has proven it to be true+ Image
The red light (the unison of fire and ice) dissipates as she pushes him away. The same that appeared the moment Ferit unlaced her+
Read 119 tweets
🧵seyfer x a closer look at the last scene of episode 23 - shot by shot, words, messages 🫀

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
S: Do you want to spend your life with someone you could never trust? “Trust” is the biggest problem seyfer always face. Not trusting each other, each other’s feelings and words. Reflection on the traumas their families caused them and on the fact they didn’t start as a normal +
couple where they were in a relationship that led to a marriage. They didn’t go trough the gain my trust process. They just sorta had to learn how to run this marriage while not knowing each other and facing their diferencies. +
Read 23 tweets
#YalıÇapkını Flood
Bölüm 23 yorumlama

“ Unutma .. geç yağan yağmurlar hayat vermez kurumuş çiçeklere”.

Bölüm 23 Yalı halkına doyduğumuz, gerçek hikayeye güçlü bir şekilde giriş yaptığımız bir bölümdü lakin çok geçti..
#SeyFer #AbSun +++
Dün gece izlediklerimiz aslında 13. bölüm sonrası izlenmesi gerekenlerdi.

Kötü planlama diyebilirsiniz, 20’lere giden reyting heyecanı diyebilirsiniz, başarıdan elini ayağını kaybetmek diyebilirsiniz, bunun üzerine çokça yorum yapabilirsiniz.

#SeyFer #YalıÇapkını +++
Geldiğimiz durum ortada; böyle başarılı bir işin, ışık hızıyla yere çakılmasına vesile olan herkesi tebrik ederim. Harikasınız 👏

Aynı başarıyı, kuruttuğunuz çiçeklerimize hayat vererek göstermenizi dilerim..

#SeyFer #YalıÇapkını +++
Read 14 tweets
Thread about ferit, orhan & fuat 🧵

I wanted to give my opinion. I’ve seen comments about yali capkini- saying F is a womaniser/player & will continue on this path. I’ll agree to disagree here’s why…

#YaliCapkini #SeyFer #MertRamazanDemir #afrasaracoğlu
We know orhan was a player, given the title “yali capkini”. He was never in love with gulgun & advised F to give his marriage a chance. When defne came, it seemed like she was the one that got away +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer
Orhan is very passive, he goes along with his fathers wishes quietly while secretly resenting him. This reminded me of fuats personality. Whereas Ferit’s personality is quiet different + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer
Read 16 tweets
🧵seyfer x closer look at the last scene of episode 22 shot by shot - movements, words and messages ❤️‍🩹

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
We start with Seyran at the door. Seyran’s teary dilated pupils when F opens the door. The slightly parted lips..A look mixture of fear and coldness. She is scared what she is gonna see but also right away pierce Ferit. The same way he studies her she studies him +
Seyran enters the room and observes it the same way she did in that cursed night. Not bc of the love making but bc she once again returned to the the position she was there - not knowing what to expect, not knowing Ferit’s intentions, scared. The difference +
Read 20 tweets
F: Who told you I was out of the company?
S: That doesn’t concern the people there
F: Who’s concern is then? Tell me
S: When your brother saw me, he got worried
F: My brother of course..who else..

Look closely at F’s reactions. The fear in his eyes +

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
Remember Ferit reads people very well, he sensed it was someone from the family. His biggest fear is Seyran starting to see and treat him like his family does. Fear of not seeing him the way he is not the way the others portray him +
While there’s plenty of reasons why Ferit deserves the label “black sheep” no one from the family sees his other colours or why it got to this point. Seyran is the only one and that’s why he lets her close to him, close to his soul..
Read 4 tweets
S: I wanted to surprise you. I came to the company to make you happy
F: Actually it was me who wanted to surprise you Seyran

Both saying the same thing but yet they still speak in different languages. I feel like this conversation stayed underrated +

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer
when in fact it pointed so many important things in seyfer’s relationship. They are fully aware of the stage of their relationship. Small steps, surprises, wanting to make each other happy, to understand each other, to try healing each other +
Seyran knows Ferit likes attention and Ferit knows Seyran really treasures meaningful gestures. Although once again their actions led to a conflict for the first time they decided not to go to extreme anger lengths. While it’s very likely these will still happen +
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🧵Thoughts about some of the yç main topics that makes us all wonder: the yalı problem, why characters are portrayed the way the are and other.

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer Image
The way I see it the topic of the yali since the show is called like that will come around but not always only related to Ferit. We saw it with Orhan and that’s due to be developed even further. We will see it with Fuat and somewhere in the future probably also with Halis +
since it was mentioned he also had a mistress in the past. While the topic of P will have to be eventually closed and Sultan’s one to be opened and also closed Ferit will probably have to pay for his behavior for a long time. For him from now on the focus mainly it would be +
Read 18 tweets
Thread on ep 22 🧵 #YaliCapkini

I watched it now & wanted to share my thoughts 💭 what I think y’all should bare in mind.
First I’ll say, neither seyran or ferit are 100% right. I see both sides & theres a middle ground. They’re trying their best.
Gulgun's perspective was spot on. They’re both young, inexperienced, in-love, figuring out marriage, while dealing with external pressures that regular couples wouldn’t have +
Read 15 tweets

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