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Researcher. Note taker. Spreadsheet enjoyer. Mastodon:

Apr 2, 2023, 9 tweets

Meet Daniel John Lee of Alaska, a traveling "street preacher" and self-proclaimed "prophet" who came to OU in March to cause a scene.

The guy in the quoted tweet only swung back after Lee swung at him first with his bullhorn.
#Oklahoma #Sooners

Daniel John Lee travels across the country to agitate students and film their reactions to post online.

The University of Oklahoma was no different. Lee made a scene that generated outrage, filmed it, cried victim the moment he could, and posted it all.

Verbally harassing gay and non-Christian students isn't the only thing Lee does.

Racist remarks from Daniel John Lee escalated during a visit to SDSU. For campus safety, university police actually asked him to leave and return with a permit.…

Daniel John Lee, who believes God speaks through him, has been previously arrested for posting threats on social media and has a reputation for violence.…

Here is Daniel John Lee at a QAnon conference, claiming to be a prophet and taking money from people who believe him.

Lee also has a habit of harassing people with conspiracy theories via phone call.

Here is a recording of him pestering someone about "the death" of Ruth Bader Ginsburg over a year before she passed away.

This week "street preacher" Daniel John Lee was at Texas A&M campus recording students, again.

While most students managed to ignore him, the combo of background noise and a guy calmly saying the opposite of everything Lee said helped de-escalate.

#TAMU #GigEm #Aggies

While I don't know what campus policy is for varying locations, be aware that Daniel John Lee still has a reputation for violent threats and has been asked to leave elsewhere.

Here are more photos to help with identification.

There is nothing stopping anyone from making their own sign and standing near him. Let people know who he is. Ultimately, Daniel John Lee is a grifter who films students for personal gain.

Please share this thread with the communities he targets so they are aware.

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