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Apr 2, 2023, 28 tweets

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has called off the deadly demonstrations, one hour after President Ruto's appeal.
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Flanked by Martha Karua and Kalonzo Musyoka, Raila said he will now wait for Parliament to address the contagious issues that led him to the streets in the first place.
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Effectively, the new 'handshake' has shamed DP Rigathi Gachagua and Musalia Mudavadi who had claimed there will be 'absolutely' no talks with Raila.
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Rigathi and Mudavadi had claimed in Kakamega that Raila and his supporters will be crushed on Monday, only to be humbled by the President
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Azimio Coalition has variously accused the Ruto Government of superintending over the rise of basic commodities as Kenyans suffer
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

As Gachagua and Mudavadi-two of President Ruto's top lieutenants poured vitriol on Raila, Ruto was busy.

Busy talking to the movers and shakers of Kenya.. Who incidentally don't include the two above.
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

The President reportedly engaged top advisors inside and outside Government, including his security chiefs

To casual observers and the politically naive, the President is a sworn enemy of retired President Kenyatta.
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Those who understand state craft say the duo consult directly or indirectly including thorough technical hand over notes not availed to the public
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

On March 8th 2018, DP William Ruto watched from his Harambee Annex balcony as President Kenyatta shook hands with Raila.

Ruto presumably knew nothing about it. But it was not entirely unexpected of Raila to hurt his political enemies
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

DP Rigathi Gachagua had sworn that Raila had reached his political cycle.
He thought it was his duty to flatten Raila on behalf of Ruto.

#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Then Riggy G committed a mortal sin.. He 'raided' the harrowed farm of Mama Ngina Kenyatta... Kenya's pioneer first lady

#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22…

Rigathi underestimated the power and influence of Mama Ngina in Kenyan, regional and international politics.

#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Naively, he failed to note that the Northlands farm hosted Peponi International School, where children of Diplomats school.
#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

The moment goons from Nyeri and Muranga began carting away scared sheep belonging to Mama Ngina marked the beginning of Gachagua's troubles.

#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Unknown to Gachagua, or feigning ignorance to flex non-existence power, Mama Ngina is widely respected in all the major cities of the world.

#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

The partnership between Azimio and Ruto will claim political careers. Raila's political philosophy is closer to Ruto than any other current politician.

#HandLegShake | #RutoCatch22

Raila's political philosophy is closer to Ruto than any other current politician.
In 2007, Ruto led a massive campaign for Raila that saw 'Arap' Mibei captured Rift Valley
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Politics is unforgiving and ruthless. Gachagua has to retreat and strategize to recapture Mt. Kenya.

Even on his Nyeri turf, Gachagua is in trouble for his anti-Uhuru stance...
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Since the Moi days, and after the political humiliation visited on them by Moi, the GEMA community has been glued politically.

#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Until Gachagua, Ichungw'a, Moses Kuria and Ndindi Nyoro arrived. Now they are forced to retreat back to the mountain... On their knees.
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Then there is Musalia. The son of the King of Mululu has no political base in Western Kenya
Mudavadi has lost ground even among the Maragoli, Abaluhya's most populous sub-tribe.
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

He had hoped to gain the respect and trust of the Luhya community like Moses Budamba Mudavadi, his charismatic father.

#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Senior Mudavadi was revered and respected in Western Kenya. Mudavadi is respected but has lowered political clout
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

That is why President Ruto deployed Moses Wetangula as an alternative route to Western Kenya... And specifically for Bukusu and Tachoni votes.
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

So when Mudavadi, at Malava on Saturday dared to take on Raila, his political days were on the count.

For some strange reason, the Kabras Clan domiciled in Malava votes differently. Explaining why the anti-Raila rally was held there
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

The Raila-Ruto handshake, by whatever name has opened a supermarket for a 2027 ticket.

#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Having sweat tears and blood to get to State House, Ruto is determined to leave a political legacy in Kenya.
#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

Taming the elongated political tongues of Mudavadi, Gachagua and Ichung'wah is a priority for the President

#handlegshake | #RutoCatch22

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