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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Apr 3, 2023, 7 tweets

1. #BharatJodoYatra imparted the Congress with an important lesson - that of “triumph of love over hate.” Nafrat ke Bazaar mein Mohabbat ki Dukaan was the single most important takeaway for everyone in the Congress & the opposition. It worked. & it should have continued. How?

2. Rahul Gandhi should have led a Ram Navami procession in Amethi. & so should’ve Congress leaders & cadres across the length & breath of India. It has a symbolic connection to the Exile. Congress led Ram Navami processions would’ve signified the victory of love over hate.

3. The last few days, my twitter timeline was abuzz with all the hatred in the name of Ram. My liberal & fiercely secular friends were posting imagery of hate speeches & vandalism that accompanied the ‘celebrations’. The anguish was justified. But it was hate against hate.

4. Combine this with the RW news media’s mass-dissemination of information about ‘religious processions’ being targeted. The end result was more Nafrat than before.
You may accuse me of political opportunism at my criticism about your criticism about the BJP’s hate playbook.

5. But we both know we can never fight Hate with Hate. Stopping the hate is our fight. This worked for Gandhi a century back. A century later, another Gandhi has spoken yet again about Mohabbat. Listen to him.
Now imagine, had Rahul led a Ram Navami procession like the ones

6. prevelant before independence in 2014. No shouting of communal slogans, no brandishing of swords, no arson, no stone-pelting. NO HATE! & imagine the same being done in every nook & corner of India. Now imagine all of us sharing the images of India as we want it to be.

7. As against the hateful rants of the RW ecosystem.
Can you imagine how much hate we would have vanquished? How much love would have been generated.
Cong needs to fight for India with Love & not with Hate. Spread Love & the toxic fog of hate, lies & propaganda will vanish

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