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A walking cloud of portable darkness. Eurovision and paddleboarding. Run EuroVersy on YouTube and TikTok

Apr 3, 2023, 32 tweets

Right, me and the land board are going round a tour of all/most of the coffee places/bars around the EuroClub for visitors to #eurovision #eurovision2023

First up is Ryde, a part cafe part cycle repair shop in the Baltic Market.

Set within an a set of art studios it does a great fry up and the coffees good too.

20 metres round the corner is the Baltic Market, open in the evenings and has multiple vendors. The closed shutters don’t do it justice here

Just round the corner on the Main Street is Punch Tarmey’s, apparently Liverpools biggest Irish pub, next to that is Arcains, a giant arcade on 3 levels where you pay one fee and play all the games…

50 metres down the road, Camp and Furnace which I believe has some role in Eurovision this year, and over the road from that Baltic arts bar

Into Jamaica street itself and the first cafe is @92DegreesUK, which I think started here in Liverpool and is probably one of our best known coffee shops…

Further down the road, the Duck and Swagger, bar which is joined to the cafe the Baltic Hotel. Didn’t go in today but I can vouch for the breakfast at the Baltic hotel

Just over the road from that is the KoboKiosk, never been in but it’s a bar I’m a sort of basement type thing

Take a left at Baltic hotel and it’s the famous @BalticBake amazing coffee and cakes and a selection of freshly made breads

Just a bit further down from the bake house is the @LoveLaneBBK a local brewery, has a food menu too

Next is a run of units, Baltic beers to get your late night booze in, Ditto Coffee, SubCity which does food in daytime, and coffee vintage

Into Dittoo for another coffee, nice small seating area upstairs, good wifi and cool music theme…

At this point we are still only 200 metres away from @CampandFurnace so there’s plenty of places to go to!

I’ve missed out Fanisha and the Gin Garden so we’ll catch them later

50 metres down the road and turn left, that in the distance is the car park for the arena. Also, McDonald’s and KFC on the left. 24 hour maccies. Just saying.

Up on the right is china town, which leads to town itself. The Bagelry is there which does…bagels. And soup.

Carrying on further down this is the liverpool Scandinavian church, not a coffee house but it regularly welcomes Scandinavians who come to watch liverpool play, not sure what their Eurovision plans are

Take an immediate left at the church and on your right is Sugar and Dice, which I *think* is the venue for the @EuroTripPodcast live podcast during contest week!

And then a little bit further on from Sugar and Dice is the Liverpool Gin Distillery

But if you keep going past the church instead to the end of the road, town is on your right…

And this is on your left!!!

Anyway, hope that’s useful to people not from round here to see how close everything is, and where you can eat drink and be merry round the @EuroClub2023

And if you keep going straight along the docks then turn left at the liver building you get the pierhead, home of the eurovillage

And because it would be rude not to head to the arena….

Yeah. I’m excited for scaffolding.

I will be even more unbearable til May

And to demonstrate how close it is, once you come out the arena, head in a straight line turn right past the maccies and you’ll be back where you started on Jamaica Street

More venues, the white roof building on the right is a water sports centre but it also has Fika, a Swedish themed cafe. And behind that is the yacht club where @darcyentertains will be hosting their events!

And just round the corner from 92 degrees on the way back is @CoffeeFandisha, another cool little coffee shop off Jamaica street, see, there’s loads!

Right that’s enough. I need another coffee.

One more. This is over the road from Camp and Furnace. It’s amazing on a sunny day, drinks, pizza etc

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