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Apr 3, 2023, 22 tweets

DURING a viral interview with BBC, Trade CS Moses Kuria said the Government will clamp down on Raila.. the Museveni way.

Kuria, the ultimate trade ambasandor for Kenya was advocating for an action that will trigger animosity.. And give the hungry Kenyans to massive acts of violence. Why?


Kuria, who claims to be an altar boy Emeritus grow up in this famous but poor rural set up.

As a brilliant fresh University of Nairobi graduate in 1997, he masterminded the defeat of Uhuru Kenyatta by Moses Muihia.


The contest was about Gatundu South Constituency. Emboldened by humiliating the Kenyatta's, Kuria started to harbour leadership ideas of his own.


Kuria and Muihia did not defeat Kenyatta on their own. They were doing it on the behest of Vice President Professor George Saitoti.

Saitoti knew that Moi had a soft political spot for Uhuru, and would use him to clip his presidential wings.


The Professor was right. He was dropped as Vice President in 1998, confirming the well founded fear that Uhuru was earmarked to succeed Moi.


It is not clear who Kuria would have supported for the Presidency in 2013 had Saitoti not perished in a plane crash in Ngong.


Suffice however is to say that between 2002 and 2013, Kuria became a city businessman with interests in the media(Government owned Kenya Today Publication owned by Ministry of Information)


Kuria stabilised financially during this period.

After the Post Election violence, he warmed his way to the Kenyatta family... And was frequently a visitor to Mama Ngina Kenyatta home.


He became close to another high voltage Gatundu financial guru, Engineer Joseph Njoroge, then a top KPLC executive.


And then the political storm. Uhuru was retiring. Kuria wanted relevance.
He was not decided whether to support Raila or Ruto.


So he kept sending mixed signals to both sides. When he thought Uhuru's political past was brighter than the future.

Ruto became the option


Then the mistakes. He teamed up with Kimani Ichungw'a to fight Gachagua stamp as Ruto running mate.


Gachagua drove them out of town, vanguished their preferred candidate Prof. Kithuke Kindiki and took his seat behind Ruto.


Kuria wanted Kindiki because he was weaker politically, courtesy of the lower voting muscle of the Meru


When the onslaught on the Kenyatta's over Raila protests hit a crescendo, Kuria foolishly took sides... Against his former constituents


Kuria is now a marked man at Gatundu and beyond. Should Raila demand his sacking.. And he sure may, he could be on his way out of cabinet.


Ruto's ministers value is under scrutiny 6 months into Presidency. A reshuffle Is an option. Or even exit

Reason? The public is getting impatient with their performance. As indicated by various surveys so far released


The fall out will be mega. With Raila Odinga and President William Ruto now brothers, trouble looms large.

Specifically, the cousins are in trouble. The cousins include all the hardliners, oscillating around Rigathi Gachagua.


The brother ticket and business Includes Retiree President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka and Martha Karua


So what is the deal for Raila other than the food prices excuse?

The 2010 Constitution has no place for a losing Presidential candidate.

He goes home after the Chebukati of the day joins the winning team for victory party.


The support offices of Kalonzo Musyoka and Martha Karua and their future clones will be established too.


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