2Lambroz.eth 🐑 (🧑‍🍳🥩🤌) Profile picture
🐑 anonymous twitter animal that is way too into DeFi, yield farming and designing strategies 🧑‍🍳🥩🤌 medium rare chat https://t.co/FJiT5h5Dp2

Apr 4, 2023, 20 tweets

Want to take advantage of #Zksync if u miss #Arbitrum ?
30+ upcoming project in this thread

U will find early zk project alpha, new project #airdrop and also rugs

be early so u dont #FOMO later

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In this thread
🎯30+ project on zk
🎯Continuous updating twitter list.

Projects are listed by catalogue
📍DEX project

Twitter list
unrolled here!

📍DEX project
DEX + Launchpad
Highest TVL swap on zksyn

Order Book Dex
Popular orderbook dex launching on zksync n starkware

looks like degen PvP farm, yield in $zap and stake for protocol fee

Stable swap + Perp
Cruve concentrated LP + maybe GNS style perp

DEX + limit order
2nd largest TVL on zksyn 12m right now

Orderbook-based Dex
Popular orderbook dex launching on zksync, starkware n zklink currently in demo stage

Maybe dex or solidly
Too early, from medium looks like some VE tokenomics + airdrop news

DEX + Yield
Crosschain swap & yield aggregator

Not sure because the site doesnt have https i wont click into it

Orderbook-based Dex
No gitbook yet, looks like everything was setup from July, Aug ish

Not sure because the site doesnt have https i wont click into it

too early, no docs yet

too early, no docs yet

too early, no docs yet

too early, no docs yet

📍Perpdex, Derivative
Perpetual , Option, Spot trading
Testnet launched, well written gitbook. might take a deeper look later on

swap + stable swap + Perpetual
Total fee 43k
6.6 unique traders

Not sure because the site doesnt have https i wont click into it

Not sure what the perp model is but single token provide LP to perp. trading volume relatively low atm

LSD farming
LSD farming, raising with hard cap 20eth ...? so low i don't know wtsup

Fix rate LSD yield stuff
kept retweet n sharing about zksyn on twitter assuming launching there

Lending with ETH & USDC available 700k tvl

Lending launching on zksyn soon, no token yet

Lending + stable coin $HUE demo style right now, looks interesting might deep dive

Cross chain stablecoin

$H2O as stablecoin n $ice n $steam somehow represent other asset, no full docs yet too early

Solidly fork likely
wizard magic theme solidly with only medium launched.

Solidly fork + launchpad
the sale should be happening but i can't see how much was deposit..?

Solidly + NFT marketplace
DEX and the LPs are NFTs

no project listed yet. the first one will be their own token

launchpad token with 119k mcap , might be a meme token claim to be launchpad lol

Sportsbook gamblefi project

Too early, yield aggregator of somesort, no doc

Yield + launchpad
looks like a PvP farming game where it has 3 different vaults with 1%ROI per day and some exit tax.

If u read till here

subscribe for continous alpha from an animal on twitter

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