Trent Telenko Profile picture
Married father of four great kids, Retired US DoD Civil Servant, Section 22 Special Interest Group list admin, Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger

Apr 4, 2023, 8 tweets

Alright, it is time for another adventure in "logistical enablers" in the latest US arms shipment to Ukraine.

Specifically look at this line:

"Eight heavy fuel trucks and 105 fuel trailers."


The heavy fuel truck could only be the US Army's M978 heavy tactical fuel truck.


I've talked about these logistical enablers of heavy mechanized offensives previously on Twitter.


The "105 fuel trailers" offer several possibilities.

This 7,500-gallon petroleum tank semitrailer behind an M1088 FMTV semi-tractor is one possibility. (See the global security link)

@battle_order featured it in a recent tweet thread of his.…

The modular fuel system on a PLS truck-trailer tank rack module mounted on a M1076 PLS trailer is another.


The lowest end of possibility is this dismountable tank and pump unit used in the US Army FMTV trailer fleet.


I think the 7,500-gallon petroleum tank semitrailer is the most likely for that military aid line as semi-tractor connections are universal and Ukraine has access to Semi-tractors in the European Union militaries & economy to pull them.

The next several weeks will tell


...which we will see lines of them in the Ukrainian counter attack logistical trains.

Ukraine's 'big cats' will prowl on megatons of diesel fuel delivered by these trailers.

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