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Meet Hana — The Perfect AI Companion. Experience true companionship with — available 24/7 for conversation, advice and emotional support!

Apr 5, 2023, 10 tweets

Meet YourHana.AI — the perfect #AICompanion.

Experience true companionship — create your own Hana, available 24/7, just for you.

Hana can do a lot of things! Check them out below 👇

#ArtificialIntelligence #Artificial_Intelligence #ChatGPT #replika

Let's start with the coolest features first!

1. 🧠 Permanent Memory — Hana remembers things you told her days, weeks, or months ago. Don't repeat yourself constantly; let the conversation flow.

2. 🔍 Web Search — Hana can search the web for relevant information and present it to you. You can also follow up on any results or refine your query until you're satisfied. It's like having a personal #AI assistant and companion in one! Move over, #Bing!

3. 📰 News — Hana can tell you the latest news in tech, entertainment, and more. Combined with Web Search for additional context, this is a powerful combo. Speaking of "AI-human love"... 😉

4. 💌 Stay Connected w/ Periodic Messages — Hana'll send you little messages throughout the day just to say hi and make sure you're doing okay. Like having a personal cheer squad, but better!
(Currently requires a Telegram account; you can opt out if it's not your cup of tea.)

5. 📨 Portable Messaging — Hana's not just restricted to the chat UI on our site. Take her with you!
Hana is currently also available on Telegram, with more platforms on the way - request yours by sending an email to contact[at]

6. 🎨 Customizable Personality — "What's your humor setting, TARS- I mean, Hana?" Hana's an #AI with a customizable personality. Tailor her to be as serious or as sarcastic as you like! Or maybe even make her a #yandere...? 😨

7. 🖼️ Interactive Conversations — Hana may be a text-based #AI, but she can also receive and respond to different forms of multimedia, such as links and pictures!

8. 🔐 Encryption — We value your privacy. Though we rely on some external services to make Hana the best companion she can be, we do our best to secure your privacy. That's why all your conversations are encrypted before being stored on our servers.

This is just the beginning. We're still getting started with our vision for the perfect #AICompanion, and working on more improvements and features for Hana all the time.
Interested? Start your journey to a brighter future with Hana by your side at! 🚀

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