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Apr 9, 2023, 6 tweets

A thread on EW Corrective waves…!!

*Zig Zag ABC Correction..!!
*Flats ABC Correction..!!
*ABCDE Correction..!!
*WXY Correction (Double Combo)
*WXYXZ Correction (Triple Combo)

Zig Zag correction is a Combination of 5-3-5 waves
5 wave down 3 waves up and again 5 waves down. (2/6)

ABC flat correction is a combination of 3–3-5 waves
There are three types of flat
Regular flat is when C ended where A ended
Expanded Flat is B goes above the start of A
Running Flat is when Wave C fails travel the full distance, falling short of the level where wave A ended 3/6

When Price Action form a Triangle we can mark it as ABCDE correction

A triangle is a sideways movement that is associated with decreasing volume and volatility.
Triangles have 5 sides and each side is subdivided in 3 waves hence forming 3-3-3-3-3 structure. (4/6)

A combination of 2 sets of corrective structure is labelled as Wxy . It can be in a form of Zig Zag , Flat or Triangle (5/6)

A combination of 3 sets of corrective Structure is labelled as WXYXZ. It can be in a form of Zig Zag , Flat or Triangle.

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