Kane 謝凱堯 Profile picture
Compulsive tinkerer. Seed investor https://t.co/GMzaIwCF35. Machine enjoyer @machinepix.

Apr 12, 2023, 28 tweets

infrastructure that looks like sci fi

1/ liquid natural gas tanker

2/ neutrino detector

3/ adaptive optics observatories

4/ Tokyo Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel

5/ The Air Force Test Center anechoic chambers

6/ bucket wheel excavators

7/ the R/P FLIP, a ship that flips

8/ semi submersible heavy lift vessels

9/ concentrated solar plants (this actually appears in Bladerunner 2049)

10/ the Royal Ontario Museum

11/ AREVA Chalon nuclear reactor factory

12/ elevator testing facilities

13/ AT&T Long Lines building

14/ Google’s quantum computer

15/ the Compact Muon Solenoid detector

16/ the “Z Machine” x-ray source

17/ overland trains

18/ da Vinci surgical system

19/ the Monticello Dam reservoir Glory Hole

20/ GE’s Aviation Engine Testing, Research and Development Centre in Winnipeg

21/ French Aerospace Lab’s S1MA supersonic wind tunnel

22/ tunnel boring machines

23/ the Svalbard Global Seed Vault and gene bank

Great additions

24/ the National Ignition Facility target chamber

25/ anything involving wind turbine blade transport

Lots of good replies to this thread:

26/ ArcelorMittal steel mill (by ) industrialphoto.pl

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