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💸 Making Finance and Business easy to understand 🤖 Corporate Trainer and Speaker on AI for Finance 👥 1.5 million followers across all networks

Apr 13, 2023, 14 tweets

How to understand and reduce overhead costs?

A mini-course


Finance does not do enough to challenge the Overhead expenses.

Why? Because we think that we can't do much about it... I also thought that there was no possibility to improve overhead costs.

How to change group fees?

How to reduce personal costs?

This seemed impossible. But one day, I was assigned to reduce structural costs. I had no other solution than... finding solutions.

Together with my other colleagues from management, we launched a project to improve the competitiveness of the company.

And we succeeded to reduce costs despite inflation costs!

Why did it work?

I realized that reducing costs was like any project and with a good methodology, you could achieve your goal.

But many finance professionals are still struggling with the topic.

Overhead and the impact on the operating profit

How can you analyze Overhead expenses 1/2?

How can you analyze Overhead expenses 2/2?

How can you reduce personal Overhead costs 1/2?

How can you reduce personal Overhead costs 2/2?

How can you find levers to reduce group recharges?

How can you reduce external services 1/2?

How can you reduce external services 2/2?

If you like this mini-course, retweet and follow me.

#finance #costreduction #cfo #competitiveness

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