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💸 Making Finance and Business easy to understand 🤖 Corporate Trainer and Speaker on AI for Finance 👥 1 million followers across all networks
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Jun 17 9 tweets 2 min read
How to deal with inflation?

We are starting 2024 soon

And chances are, that on 1st January, your suppliers will increase prices!

What are the solutions to face this problem?

Here are my propositions based on an exercise I did for a previous company last year: 6 Ways to Deal with Inflation 1. Raise Prices

Common way that companies do to help against inflation is by simply raising their prices.

Make sure to include a clause on variation of price based on indexes. This will cover the risk of inflation for the future.
Jun 15 25 tweets 3 min read
50 Finance Concepts Explained to Kids (Part 1) Image 1. Business

Let’s imagine you are selling lemonade.

Example: Your lemon stand is your business because you sell lemonade there.
Jun 15 25 tweets 3 min read
50 Finance Concepts Explained to Kids (Part 1) Image 1. Business

Let’s imagine you are selling lemonade.

Example: Your lemon stand is your business because you sell lemonade there.
May 20 6 tweets 1 min read
Analyze your balance sheet analysis with these 5 key ratios! Balance Sheet Analysis 1/5

Quick Ratio

🎯Goal: Check the solvency of a company and how fast can they repay their short term debts with their quick assets.

💡Formula: Quick Assets / Current Liabilities
(where Quick Assets = Current Assets - Inventory)
Mar 15 21 tweets 9 min read
Top 20 Accounting Videos on YouTube

1. LEARN ACCOUNTING in Under 5 Hours!
Author: James Hearle

Image 2. Accounting Basics Explained Through a Story
Author: Leila Gharani

Mar 12 16 tweets 4 min read

They don't teach you how to manage Cash at school

But in Finance & Accounting, Cash should be your number one focus...

Learn all about it in this comprehensive thread CASH Cash Flows are divided into 3 types of activities:

- Operating Activities
- Financing Activities
- Investing Activities Image
Mar 7 22 tweets 6 min read
You're falling behind if you're not using Excel to land a job.

To help you get your ideal job in 2024, here are the top 20 Excel YouTube videos. 20 Best Excel YouTube Videos 1. Excel for Accounting - 10 Excel Functions You NEED to KNOW!
By Leila Gharani
Feb 28 26 tweets 3 min read
50 Finance Concepts Explained to Kids (Part 2) Image 26. Insurance

This is something you buy to protect against losing money or things.

Example: If you have insurance and someone breaks your lemon stand, insurance can help pay for a new one.
Feb 27 11 tweets 3 min read
Dreaming of steering the financial ship?

Dive into the CFO realm with the top 10 tweets collection I have compiled for you! Image 1/10

100 CFO’s KPIs Tweets
Feb 22 6 tweets 1 min read
Analyze your balance sheet analysis with these 5 key ratios! Balance Sheet Analysis 1/5

Quick Ratio

🎯Goal: Check the solvency of a company and how fast can they repay their short term debts with their quick assets.

💡Formula: Quick Assets / Current Liabilities
(where Quick Assets = Current Assets - Inventory)
Feb 16 7 tweets 1 min read
What is Financial Modeling?

A thread with:
1. Definition
2. Where it is used
3. Benefits
4. Drawbacks
5. Example
6. How you can use it

Unroll the thread to see more... Image Definition and Explanation

Financial modeling involves creating mathematical representations (models) of a company's financial performance, projections, and valuation.

These models use various assumptions and variables to simulate potential scenarios and aid decision-making.
Feb 14 27 tweets 3 min read
Are you looking to explain accounting to kids in a fun and easy-to-understand way?

Here is the easiest way! Image 1/25

What is accounting?

When a company makes money, it has to keep track of where that money came from and where it goes.
This is called Accounting.
Feb 12 25 tweets 3 min read
50 Finance Concepts Explained to Kids (Part 1) Image 1. Business

Let’s imagine you are selling lemonade.

Example: Your lemon stand is your business because you sell lemonade there.
Feb 8 12 tweets 1 min read
Get my 10 power-packed CV tips to boost your career Image 1/10

Keep your CV concise and to-the-point, highlighting your relevant experience and skills specific to finance and the role you target.
Feb 7 18 tweets 3 min read
How can you use AI for Finance?

Below I am telling you how 👇 How to Use ChatGPT for Financial Analysis Here are the 5 stages you need to go through:
Feb 6 22 tweets 6 min read
The 20 Best Free Finance Guides 20 Finance Guides 1. Powerpoint and Visuals by Soufyan Hamid

Feb 3 6 tweets 1 min read
Be the first to learn Copilot for Finance

Here is everything you can do: Copilot for Finance 📊 Excel

Generate formulas
- Prompt example: “Add a column that calculates the margin”

Identify insights
- Prompt example: “Show the total sales of January 2024”
Jan 31 18 tweets 3 min read
How can you use AI for Finance?

Below I am telling you how 👇 How to Use ChatGPT for Financial Analysis Here are the 5 stages you need to go through:
Jan 30 25 tweets 3 min read
50 Finance Concepts Explained to Kids (Part 1) Image 1. Business

Let’s imagine you are selling lemonade.

Example: Your lemon stand is your business because you sell lemonade there.
Jan 29 12 tweets 2 min read
Improve your manufacturing performance with this KPIs Image 1/10

Production activity (or volume)

Description: Calculates the value of the production output in monetary value

Formula: Sum of monetary value of all finished goods produced within a defined period
Jan 20 7 tweets 2 min read
Why should you use SWOT Analysis?

Open the thread to understand 👇 SWOT Analysis 1. Definition

SWOT Analysis identifies an organization's:
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats

It aids decision-making by offering a clear view of the business's current position in the market.