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Apr 14, 2023, 10 tweets

People in California need to keep pushing back against the casteist attacks on #SB403 by forwarding the text of #Article15 of the Indian constitution. And point out that the bill is just adding this to the California statutes.

Plain and simple.

Nothing to protest here.

Oh for sure, but then let's have them make it explicit, in the United States, especially California, that they are the side in this debate that pines for a theocratic state as an ideal.

Right now they pretend as if the bill is an attack on Hindus. #SB403

These HAF suhag Shukla types are just pouring a lot of heat into the discourse and very little light.

While it is important to combat their misinformation, we should also be putting them on the defensive by asking if they are also opposed to the Indian constitution. 🤷

This is #SB403.

Literally just adds 1 word, one more category, very properly defined, to 15 other protected categories.

Only someone dedicated to preserving and defending casteism would have any objection to this bill.

Do read the blue text for sure.

Also random Desi uncles who deal only in rhetorical questions asking "how do they even define caste", read a little.

It's great that they added endogamy as one of the identifying factors of the phenomenon. Caste endogamy is widely prevalent in the South Asian American popn.

Indian Constitution #SB403

Note the following in #SB403

- total lack of the words Hindu or Hinduism
- listing India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South America, Japan, and Africa, NOT singling out Indians

The debate from the sanghi & centrist side has been so dishonest!

Of course that's just the intro section with declarations.

The actual change to the law is literally just adding the word caste with 15 other protected categories. And the definition of caste.


In a way, I'm glad that sanghis are making such a big hue & cry every time a jurisdiction adds caste to its protected categories.

Cos they rehash the same old jaded arguments black folks, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, queer folks remember being at the receiving end of in the past.

And by repeating the same old Jim Crow era arguments against the civil rights act, but in the caste setting, they just end up convincing Americans, both liberals as well as pro civil rights conservatives, that yeah, caste definitely should be added to discrimination statutes!

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