🇵🇸🗳️ 🪷Hope For Democracy 🐈‍⬛🏴‍☠️🇵🇸 Profile picture
Fascism walks in through bureaucratic channels masquerading as governance. Large chip on my shoulder: Jalapeño flavor. #CatLadyPAC

Apr 14, 2023, 33 tweets

I'm sorry, y'all, but if we're going out on this hellscape I need to drop some old truths. They're not fun.

Content warning but we're living it so... ?

I wrote this on another account, so it's not in its optimal form. We're going to push through the pain though.

[I wrote this after Hurricane Maria had wiped out PR; simultaneously ICE was scooping up people in increasingly violent and scary raids across the US.)

Who takes the refugees? Pretty much no one, ever.

Fox News has sucked the teat of Goebbels forever.

Keeping "order" I'm sure. Looking at you, LEOs

This is literally happening right now, here, in this country. The border is full of fascist crazies who strip, rape and humiliate people who come here.

Don't get me started on the fetish-christo-gun-child-marriage cult.

*stares at Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas*



Sidebar: I'm genuinely shocked I'm pulling up this *counts on fingers* 6 year old thread.

We should have been in the streets every night as soon as Muslims were being yanked off of planes. The transgender ban in the military hot on their heels.

Child. Concentration. Camps.

'Sup Boebert. 'Sup Gym.

These fuckos are literally creating the situation that will fill mass graves.

Hi, Fox. Hi, CNN.

You know you're complicit.



If this is how I go out on this platform, I did a good deed.

Fuck the GOP, fuck the judiciary, fuck the NRA, fuck anyone who turned a blind eye to this VERY OBVIOUS CAMPAIGN OF ERASURE.

Fuck the pundits who normalized it all during Obama when the black guy was taking heat and it was laughed off.

Fuck all the people who wouldn't vote for the email lady.

Because they didn't "like" her.

Protest vote my ass. That was some straight up misogyny and you fucks know it.

Didn't like the black guy, didn't like the woman.

Eat shit, fascists.

Addendum: I thought I was finished, but it turns out that I might not be done *checks calendar* ever.

If you want to know ALL ABOUT THE FASCISTS, look no further than the 80s: Jesse Helms, AIDS crisis, Focus on the Family, absolute dereliction of duty protecting this country.

You know what they did?

Banned books. Banned art. Legally, too.


Oh my god. I've written pleas for so very long.

In conclusion: fuck the apathetic asshats, the enablers of fascism, the greed that made ad dollars and entertainment more important than fact checking madmen, and fuck everyone that voted for a dried up sack of sadness and fake cheddar.

Seriously, though. FUCK ALL OF THIS.

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