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Life Coach, Vedic and Tantra Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, psychology, PLR

Apr 14, 2023, 9 tweets

Why is it said that only psychological pain falls away after Enlightenment, but not physical pain? If Consciousness is our true nature and if it's really primary & prior to everything, then wouldn't we also be free of physical pain too?
#enlightenment #spirituality

Pain is a general word universally applied to both body and mind.

But, are they both ‘pain’ ?

A lustful man could not possess a woman, and is suffering pain. A child was bitten by an ant, and is crying in pain.
#enlightenment #spirituality

Is it fair to call both by the same word and idea called ‘pain’?

A psychological pain is purely caused by attachment and delusion.

Then, what is physical pain.

#enlightenment #spirituality

It is not pain. It is body’s signal mechanism that something has to be set right. This unpleasantness instructs the brain to take some action and correct it.
#enlightenment #spirituality

If a snake bites you while sleeping, you would be gone in sleep. Or you would not know if your hands burnt touching fire. You would hurt yourself many times and you will not know. The worst is , you would not know even if you had an attack or stroke.
#enlightenment #spirituality

I know of cases where kids could not feel pain, and parents would give all their wealth just to make their child feel the pain.

There is a physical pain, and there is a mental brooding over this physical pain, converting it into psychological pain.
#enlightenment #spirituality

That is why the psychological pain of a similar physical pain is different between a brave heart and a chicken heart.
#enlightenment #spirituality

Ramana Maharishi had cancer in His hand, and suffered the physical pain aka mechanism of the body. Since He was not attached to His body or hand, there was no psychological pain.
#enlightenment #spirituality

Physical pain is a life-saving mechanism. Psychological pain is absolute ignorance, and absolutely avoidable.

Siddharth T Janakiraman
#enlightenment #spirituality

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