Helmi Sulaiman Profile picture
ID physician at the University of Malaya.

Apr 15, 2023, 14 tweets

Tricks and tips for the infectious diseases consultant by Esther CALBO, Spain at #ECCMID2023

Risk of death for ID physicians from "womb to tomb."

Our role is essential (ID consult can reduce the risk of death)

However, we must know how to sell our importance to the hospital suite

Solicited interventions are more welcomed than the nonsolicited ones

Effective communication is the key

How do we get them (patients and other teams) to trust us

We need to know where we are to avoid getting lost. And it is good to start with the low-hanging fruits

We need to know our team in terms of strength

And future planning to increase the staffing in our ID unit is very important

Knowing the hospital settings including IC and AMS team/workforce is essential too

Examples of low-hanging fruits

Intervene early
The earlier, the better

As a society (ID), we have a lack of validated metrics to assess our values

In summary...

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