Helmi Sulaiman Profile picture
ID physician at the University of Malaya.

Apr 15, 2023, 9 tweets

Evolution of CM/ID Specialties by Dr. Rama

He talked about his evolution when he came back from the US and the UK
He needed to learn about the cultures in India

This includes antibiotics as a one-size-fits-all remedy

He captured the issues of empiric therapies - one empiric regimen after another.

And we are "hypocrites"
We want new antibiotics, but when they come out, we keep them only for special cases/circumstances

India is facing issues with "clinical" Malaria/Typhoid fever based on symptoms only

The doctors are still using Widal test for the latter

There are many challenges

The VIP patients who do not follow guidelines in terms of antimicrobial agents

The doctors are no longer regarded as God like in the past

Insurance coverage and blockages

And this sumps up the challenges that an ID physician face in India

Additionally, it is not straightforward for us to apply international/western GL to the local setting

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