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Imperial & Military History of Bengal || Glorious Gangariddhi, Gauda, Chandra, Pala, Sena, Deva Empires || Hindu Resistance of Bengal against M invaders

Apr 15, 2023, 10 tweets

☀️🔱 Śubha Narabarṣa 1430. Today is the 1430th coronation ceremony of our Emperor Gaudeshwar Maharajadhiraja Sri Shashanka Deva.

🗡️ Art - Arghyadeep Sardar


Following the postulates of Suryasiddhanta, ParamShaiva Samrat Shashanka Deva introduced the national calendar system of the Gaudiya Bengali nation - "Bangabda" or Shashanka Samvat. Later, following his path, Bangabda was used in various temple inscriptions of Bengal.


1) ParamaShaiva Sri Harapadarat Latangdev Bhatta, a general descendant of Emperor Shashanka, is mentioned in the Champahati soil inscription in Bangabda San 79 Ashwin (672 AD). This is the oldest archaeological evidence of Bangabda.


2) Shaivite Sena dynasty emperors were the pioneers of Bangabda. In the 11th century AD, references to Bangabda have been found from two Shiva temples of Dehargram and Sontapal villages of Bankura in the Gauda Empire during the Sena era.


3) Narasimha temple located in Panditpara of Beniyabazar in Srihatta (Sylhet), located in the ancestral home of Shrivas Pandit, has an inscription on the foundation date of 805 Bangabda or 1398 AD.


4) Maharaj Kedarnath Devaraya's cannon obtained from the Rajabari of Dhaka was found engraved in 1002 Bangabda or 1595 AD. At that time, under the Mughal rule of Jalaluddin Akbar in Hindustan,


the Hizri year was in use, but in this independent Hindu state of Bengal, independent Bengali Kings continued to use the Bengali calendar.


5) Shiva temple established by Jagatram Haldar in Bagbazar, Kolkata has the date 1072 Bengal or 1665 AD engraved on it.


In other words, Bangabda is the traditional calendar of Bengalis own Emperors and royals. No any external Mughal or Nawab has any connection with it. So be aware of the history of your race in the New Year and promote it sincerely.

Joy Goureshwar Shoshanko Dev.


Today on the pious occasion of Nababarsha, a clay statue of Gaudeshwar Shashanka was displayed by BSSP in Kolkata. Artist - Shirsho Acharya


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