Alireza FakhriRavari, PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP, AAHIVP Profile picture
🆔Infectious Diseases. 👨‍🎓Associate Professor and🪑#HigherEd @lluhealth #LLUSP. ⚽Football. 🏟️United #MUFC. 📊DataViz. 🖥️R. 📚Books. 💡mine ⬅️views.

Apr 16, 2023, 10 tweets

👨‍⚕️Very nice session on issues of complicated UTIs by Dr. Aurelien Dinh. #ECCMID2023
- It's believed that cUTI is more difficult to treat
- Maybe higher rate of resistance
- Need higher dosage or prolonged treatment?

Modern definitions of cUTIs... #ECCMID2023

Does "complicated" definition apply to all kinds of UTIs? Uncomplicated pyelonephritis?? 🤨 #ECCMID2023

Guideline recommendations for uncomplicated cystitis. EAU has recommendations for uncomplicated UTI in men! #ECCMID2023

Guideline recommendations for uncomplicated pyelonephritis... 🤨 #ECCMID2023

Guideline recommendations for catheter-associated UTI... #ECCMID2023

7 days of treatment is effective in afebrile man with UTI. #ECCMID2023

How about febrile men with UTI?
- Similar clinical success with 7 days of treatment.
- Is microbiological success relevant to clinical practice?

Patients with neurogenic bladder:
- Afebrile can be treated similar to uncomplicated UTIs
- Febrile requires more caution, similar to complicated UTIs


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