nawal makki Profile picture
i´m watching a story and i´m often seeing my own journey and experiences through it

Apr 17, 2023, 8 tweets

✔️I really like how ferit is now respecting seyran even in her absence abd doesn't allow anything that could hurt her about pelin and sultan
✔️ i really miss to see seyran with ferit 🥀 reunite them please 🙏

This is suna room in the mansion my theory is that halis took seyran to stay with them until the divorce is over that´s why they logde her in suna ´s room 🤔 so Excited to see ferit reaction to this :))) #yaliçapkini

If Halis locked up Seyran and ferit found out he'd take her and leave the mansion .
To revolt against the grandpa is the best way to show that he is growing also to gain Seyran's trust , avenge her and giving her justice 💥 #yaliçapkini
I live for this to happen 🙏🌱

For me to deserve being a superhero🦸‍♂️ Ferit must get out of the comfort zone ,revolting against halis aga opression and injustice..
Going in your luxury car with halis bodyguards and hitting two men IS NOT bluffing for me🤷‍♀️
i trust that he ll be better than this 💥🫶 #yaliçapkini

Seyran as pelin said can´t forget how this story has started. how she has being forced, chosen like a merchandise and slept in bedroom in her weeding night ..this wont never let her live her love for him.
Ferit must do a big sacrifice to let her free her memory💥🦸‍♂️ #yaliçapkini

Now some justice for ferit too,How he is loyal and doesn´t want anyone else than his wife makes me feel 🦋
After that situation would be fixed he hope he will have the love and affection he deserves ❤️ #yaliçapkini

I hope*

F: you have a lock i won't break the door for you🫣🤔
We are playing to this game of parallels with the senarist. Let see this happening :))

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