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Apr 18, 2023, 13 tweets

#BREAKING: @elonmusk and Tucker Carlson on the dangers of AI - ongoing interview

(LIVE thread)…

Musk says he's worried a hyper-intelligent AI could use Twitter to "manipulate public opinion a way that is very bad"

Top tech minds called @elonmusk a "speciesist" when he expressed his concerns around AI risks to humanity.

A speciesis "is the human-held belief that all other animal species are inferior" 🤦‍♂️😂

@elonmusk #LIVE: Google co-founder Larry Page once told Musk he wants to build a "Digital God" using A.I.

Musk: "What's happening is that they're training the AI to lie" and to withhold information. /5

Musk: "The smartest creatures on this earth are humans. It is our defining characteristic. Now what happens when something vastly smarter than the smartest person comes along in silicon form. It's very difficult to predict what will happen in that circumstance." /6

Musk on Twitter: At the end of the day, if the public finds Twitter to be useful they will use it more, if they find it to be not useful they will use it less.

Based on the growth metrics we're seeing, it seems the vote is YES for more and more people 😎 /7

#LIVE: @elonmusk talking about creating ThruthGPT: "I will try to create a third option, and that third option, hopefully, does more good than harm." /8

@elonmusk Musk: "I didn't vote for Trump. I actually voted for Biden. I'm not saying I'm a huge fan of Biden, since that would be inaccurate."

"I would prefer, frankly, that we put just a normal person for president."

Not sure how people can call @elonmusk a conservative... /9

@elonmusk LIVE: @elonmusk shocked by the unfettered access Gov agencies had to everything on Twitter, including people's DMs.

Scary shit...

For anyone who was keeping up with the #TwitterFiles, this should not come as a surprise.

The good news: Encrypted msgs are coming to Twitter! /10

Musk: The goal of Twitter is to be as fair and even-handed as possible, not favoring any ideology

Tucker: Why doesn't Facebook do this?

Musk: Zuckerberg spent $400m in the last election in support of the Democrats, is that accurate?

Tucker: Yes that's accurate

Musk: Does that……

Musk reduced the Twitter staff size by 80%

Tucker: "How do you run a company with only 20% of the staff?

Musk: It turns out you don't need all that many people to run Twitter. /12

Love him or hate him, he knows how to run a business. I'm inspired to start cutting my own……

My thoughts on the interview: I'm always the one trying to keep my opinions balanced, never kissing up to Elon and even being critical in many instances. However it's difficult to disagree with much of what is said today.

Here's a very basic summary of the key points and my……

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