Hex the
Making/Sharing Art & Tracking X-tremism | Simply just Hex, labeled "cult leader"🥹 | Guardian of #SeditionHunters | #ReceiptsNotDeceit | He/They 🏳️‍⚧️

Apr 19, 2023, 9 tweets

Where tf is Ron DeSantis with this gas crisis in Florida due to all the flooding?

A thread of Where Tf is Ron DeSantis with this Gas Crisis in Florida:

@PediRN113 with the facts.

Oh, look. #DeSantis2024

The SAME gas station shown in the first photo of thread, a whole hop, skip, and work shift later.

Where TF is Ron DeSantis with this gas crisis in Florida??


#Miami #FtLauderdale #Broward #Kendall Show me your gas stations! ⛽️

And our gas supply:

I'm still wondering. #DeSantisIsAFascist

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