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Apr 20, 2023, 21 tweets

1. Sadly, alot of anons and patriots have traded their thirst for knowledge for an easy drink from the fountains of #shillformation flowing freely from the liars that infected Twitter in 2017. All controlled ops. All of them. That's why they hate me. Because I don't sing or (ctd)

2. Many of the shills are spewing information that keeps patriots hooked but never offers anything of intellectual value. I guess that works #RooRooRaRasl that are still chanting #ForMoreYears🤡

3. PROOF: As I am writing this thread, the words are disappearing and I have to keep typing them over and over and over again. Ask yourselves? Who is really in control?

4. Number 2 above said " don't dance in the circus but #ElonTrumps Twitter deleted it. Ask yourselves, WHO took us offline on #January6th ? Some of us know it was all controlled. All supposed White Hat ops. Well, guess what? They are also the ones controlling this narrative.

5. #ElonTrump You have moar than you know: dilaraesengil.blog/2022/10/31/tak…

5. I and others do not find it acceptable that we the #DiscardedDeplorables are hurting - many people who held this line have dropped off this movement. Seven years is too long. Even if y'all needed the time (you know who I am talking to since ...) dilaraesengil.blog/2023/04/11/the…

6. .. you all have massive screens with all our DMs and texts and so forth in your high chairs and intelligence rooms. What sucks is, most of the public doesn't know this. Let's see how long I last here. Many of the large patriot accounts are on PAYROLL.

7. Understand that this whole show has been in the hands of the White Hats since POTUS took office. Even before then. Everything. You. Read. Is. Designed. To. Control. Your. Mind. (From the massive network of low level IMDB wanna be assets that were employed and/or "acquired" --

9. All of these controlled low level agency assets are people who failed at acting, singing porn etc. Hollywood is the 3rd arm of the C HIGH Yay. If you haven't watched #AThousandPieces with @johnxdesouza you need to. dilaraesengil.blog/2021/03/28/a-t…

10. Since Twitter (White Hats) hasn't restored my account based on bullshit allegations of me spamming the public (laughable!) - they are still censoring even the post above. So here is what the article I reference in numero nuevo of this thread looks like so you get a visual 👇🏼

11. I get that there has to be some form of control and some amount of deception since the enemy is still out there. But don't fool yourselves. All these players (bad) are dead and gone. Actors and controlled assets are feeding you what the good guys want you to know.

12. My problem is that people are really suffering. People are homeless, not able to buy food or get medical care. Don't even start me on the 💉 . These things just happened in LA and its the same everywhere. The truth hurts.

13. And this . .. just one of many situations -- Here we go with the crime wave. This can be stopped your know. Where TF is the MILITARY? WTF are we sending money to the FAKE wars for, eh? Have you had enough? TRUTH is gonna set you free.

14. Where did Jesus say to lie to us? There are real casualties happening because those in power who seek to C O N T R O L your mind are power hungry and they have lost their way.

15. They have tried to silence me, attack me, harm me. But I don't stop. I made a promise a long time ago to our Lord. To tell the truth. No matter what. For that is only way to freedom, to the Father, through our Lord, through the TRUTH. 🙏🏼✝️🔥

16. While I was writing this spontaneous thread, I stopped for a minute to pray. I asked God: Why am I still doing this? The phone rang at 6:51 PM PST during this thread. You can check the timestamps. Here is what the caller ID said:

17. I will not be silenced. I will not stop telling the truth. I will not be controlled by anyone no matter what color hat they wear. All hats bearers lying to us are dirty when human lives are being taken due to their deception. Enough is enough. Wake up, wake others up RT this.

18. So since I know you are reading this, here is my advice to all the eyes on this post:

19. If you want to find me, please visit AFistfulOfTruth.com I have all my content listed there. I have been working selflessly, tirelessly, on no one's payroll but God's to bring you the truth. I serve only the King. Godspeed patriots. #WWG1WGA 🙏🏼✝️

20. End of thread 🧵🔚 @threadreaderapp unroll

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