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I help individuals & businesses become 'ai powered', accelerating career transitions with AI, unwavering optimist, founder, more here 👇

Apr 20, 2023, 20 tweets

1/ Pumped to have released @creds_xyz this week...

We're creating a new way to establish a trusted, verifiable, interchain reputation, that enhances the community experience, across the @cosmos ecosystem...

So what's #Creds all about?


2/ At @cheqd_io we're building the infrastructure for Decentralized Identity, centred on establishing trusted, verifiable relationships between 3 parties

1. the Issuer (of a Cred)
2. the Holder (of a Cred)
3. the Verifier (of a Cred)

3/ Creds both allows users to interact with the @cheqd_io network AND crucially offers us the opportunity to experiment / "dog-food" cutting edge features, like our our first-of-a-kind payment rails, quickly so we can iterate and improve at pace...

4/ But what's a "Cred"?

Creds are verifiable credentials, a portable, reusable, private, and secure way to build reputation and prove that you’re real

Differently from NFTs and SBTs, Creds are private, revocable, and can be taken to different platforms and ecosystems

5/ We've been building on @cosmos almost 2 years, and been on a mission, to discover, engage, nurture and protect our community...

.... we saw a gap in the way community members can build a reputation, and communities can reward and incentivise their best community members

6/ @creds_xyz fills this gap by enabling you to build your reputation and take it everywhere.

Creds is your reputation - portable, private (as much as you want it to be), and secure.

7/ After 25+ interviews (so far) with individuals from product, marketing, partnerships and community backgrounds, plus influencers & community members from across the @cosmos ecosystem, we landed on 7 Cred types we feel are most needed, and add the most reputational value

8/ We believe these 7 types of Creds demonstrate what a community member wants to be known for, and importantly verified for...

Plus, what community managers and moderators would love to be able to issue to recognise their most valued members...

9/ Type 1️⃣: Social Profiles

With the world of scams, fraud and Sybil Attacks (ofc more prevalent a bull 🐂) authenticating your accounts, and being able to prove which profiles you actually oversee is vital...

Social Profiles Creds do just this..

10/ Type 2️⃣: Roles

Knowing who you can trust and who you should speak to, about what, streamlines the community experience for all...

Whether you're a team member, moderator, ambassador, validator + many more, Role Creds give you a chance to prove this, and share it with pride

11/ Type 3️⃣ : Events

What better way to know someone care's than being able to verify that they've shown up to community events...

Perhaps its a @Twitter space to wrap-up the month? Or maybe you run an Alpha session for loyal members...

Whatever the event, verify it with Creds

12/ Type 4️⃣: Achievements

Contributing in Web3 can be in many forms; staking, HODLing, being an early member and more...

Often achievements are hard to uncover, and even harder to verify... let's make this easier

13/ Type 5️⃣: Tickets

IRL or virtual, why not issue tickets to community members as a Cred?

Find out who's coming, share where you're headed and combine your ticket creds with others as you build your reputation.... (@ankurb & @Tweetddale reppin @cheqd_io at @idworkshop)

14/ Type 6️⃣: Learn

Quests, and learning journeys have taken off across Web3 as a means to validate committment to gaining deeper understanding but often achievements get locked within the learning platform

Creds offers a way to build an interoperable learning reputation

15/ Type 7️⃣: Endorsements

Maybe you run a #DAO, and want to recognise someones contributions to docs or a repo?

Or your oversee a project and want to acknowledge a partner for their collaboration efforts; a testimonial or recommendation...

16/ Crucially, your reputation is not one Cred, but the nuanced combination of many, dependent on who's asking 🤫...

With Creds, you can share just one, or multiple Creds, in a bundled cred, sharable simply though a link that the receiver / verifier can head to at any time...

17/ I'm really proud of the team for their work on this, with shoutouts specifically to builders @_jsdp, @benyam_7 and @EEAnder1, plus @EHotta, @matt_arn and
@tmfh83 for their community & partnership insights, and ofc @fraser_again and @ankurb for leading the charge...

18/ To be kept informed on our latest updates and be the first to get a Cred, sign-up to join the Beta below

19/ If you oversee community engagement / growth, you're a DAO member or admin, or just feel you'd love to start issuing Creds, get in touch via or DM @rosspower / TG ross_power

I'd love to chat to you...

20/ You can read the unrolled version of this thread here:…

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