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Concerned Canadian citizen trying to save his country by running as a federal candidate for the People's Party of Canada.

Apr 20, 2023, 17 tweets


Dr. Francis Christian's Q&A period was so fascinating that I had to create a thread on it.

Here he is hypothesizing that if the US VAERS system under reports by 90% then the more clunky Canadian system could be closer to 99.999%



Dr. Christian suggests that ivermectin is only one of many inexpensive drugs which would have helped Canadians, citing vitamin D as another one, and claims that the source of their dismissal was greed on the part of corporations.



The commissioner asks Dr. Christian about 'ethics', and Dr. Christian's knows exactly the direction to go in.

Christian: "'Just following orders' has never been an excuse. It wasn't an acceptable excuse at Nuremberg."

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian acknowledges that the bureaucracy got in between the doctor and their patient, but suggests that it happened around 25 years ago, and at the behest of industry. This was the beginnings of a 'guidelines culture'.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian talks to the need for criminal prosecutions in saying that if the Colleges have forbidden doctors from giving medical exemptions, then someone who gets a vaccine dies, then there has to be liability for that.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian comments that certain issues, such as myocarditis, can be singled out for having been caused by the vaccine and not #COVID19. He also supported @JesslovesMJK's testimony that the vaccine attacks multiple different systems.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Supporting @P_McCulloughMD's theory of vaccines not kept in cold storage, Dr. Christian says the ones who receive the spoiled vaccines are, ironically, OK, but the 15% that receive the intact vaccine are, instead, injured.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian calls the @pfizer clinical trials for children a 'farce', says it showed that the vaccine was 'completely useless and dangerous for kids', and mentioned how they resulted in an increase chance of myocarditis.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


The commissioner is technically leading the witness here, but Dr. Christian's response is priceless.

Commissioner: "Why did they call ivermectin 'horse paste'."

Christian: "Because they thought that we were stupid."


@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian points out that yet another crucial step in filing an adverse event report is to find a doctor that believes you in the first place because '9 out of 10 times they tell you that it's just a coincidence".

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian expresses a sentiment that many people who were critical of the last 3 years can relate to.

Christian: "I used to consider myself a pro-vaccine physician, but after this debacle I started questioning everything."

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian stresses the fact that Public Health officers approve/reject reports without ever actually seeing the patient is just one of many reasons why #Saskatchewan Public Health is broken.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Again, Dr. Christian is stressing the importance of face to face, one on one interaction between a doctor and their patient. Public Health Agencies are eroding this. The lockdowns severely limited this also.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


When asked about professional responsibility, Dr. Christian starts out by saying that the majority of wrongdoing on the part of doctors was uncovered not by other doctors, but by economists and statisticians.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christians then packs 50+ years of wisdom into 180s from the destruction of God, to the issues of post modernism, and even to progressive ideals which @PardyBruce also warned about. Best of all he takes a jab at @JustinTrudeau

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


Dr. Christian claims that most medical schools in the US no longer require students to take the hypocritic oath, and some who have embraced 'post modernism' let their students make up their own oaths.

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis


And finally, commenting on @neil_ferguson, this might be the funniest comment yet.

Christian: "I have absolutely no idea how he keeps his job because in pandemic after pandemic he has been wildly wrong. And he still keeps his job".

@Inquiry_Canada @essaysbyfrancis

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