Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Apr 22, 2023, 44 tweets

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Ok. I have had ENOUGH of Threads about Boris boring Epshteyn.

No More Boris!

Now lets have a Thread about something more fun. Flipper!

Let's do the non-jokes version of the Grand #Flippathon aka the #RatBingo. What IS going on with the rat flips against Trump?

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We all have seen enough movies & TV Mafia court scenes to know the value of the 'rat' who flips against the Mafia boss

It is what Jack Smith needs. Trump IS a criminal mob boss, and they need some who participated in the criming to turn into witnesses

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Next let me be clear about this Thread. I will not discuss 'civil' trials. The damage to Trump would only be money

Trump has been to court 3,600 times (lost nearly always) and up to two weeks ago, none were CRIMINAL trials. A criminal trial can send you to prison

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Ignoring Trump civil trials (hundreds more to come), since he became President, Trump has committed so many crimes, he faces over 50 CRIMINAL trials, such as campaign finance fraud, emoluments, extortion, bribes, election fraud, attempted coup d'etat and espionage

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BEFORE Trump became President, he committed crimes so broadly, I expect about 20 more criminal trials, these mostly financial in nature, such as tax fraud, money laundering and sanctions busting. These all are yes crimes, and he faces prison time in STATE prisons

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Many of Trump's crimes before and after he became President were financial fraud of some kind, including tax fraud. He faces years and years of prison time, but not DECADES or LIFE imprisonment for these crimes

Let's look at the 6 big crimes, his worst

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Jack Smith is pursuing 3 crimes: the overturning of 2020 election (so Georgia, Arizona etc); the attempted coup d'etat of Jan 6 insurrection; and espionage-a-lago aka theft of 325 classified documents

There are 3 other crimes Trump likely committed, worth mention

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It seems certain Trump was selling Presidential pardons for a million dollars each. Roger Stone, Jared, Paul Gosar seem to have been involved in it

It seems certain Trump sold American foreign policy to Putin. Manafort, General Flynn, Giuliani, Rand Paul involved

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And if Trump took bribes to sell cabinet posts, and to sell Presidential Pardons, he HAD to have taken bribes to sell the SCOTUS seats. Why else give Illinois Gov Rob Blagojevich a pardon, than to have him help Trump do the pricing for those bribes of SCOTUS seats

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Any one of these crimes is unprecedented. It is direct treason (like Putin or espionage) or treasonous, or just catastrophically corrosively corrupt like selling a seat to Supreme Court. Any of these 6 crimes warrants - and when proven - earns LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE

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If an honest Attorney General like Merrick Garland, or an honest prosecutor like Jack Smith or Robert Mueller sees crimes of this magnitude, they will take it as seriously as they deserve to be taken. NO MISTAKES. These criminals including Trump must be CONVICTED

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Any ONE of these 6 crimes dwarfs the crimes of America's most corrupt President, Nixon. Any one. And Trump committed all 6 of these unprecedented crimes, as President. He is by far America's worst criminal on these 6 crimes alone ignoring another 45 crimes to add

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Let's go back to Jack Smith. He has TONS of evidence, even confessions. But does he have any rats? Has anyone flipped against Trump on his 3 crimes?

Usually we cannot know who has flipped, even if there ARE any who turned state's evidence. But in this case we do

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Because of the stunts Trump played after Mar-A-Lagogate, like Loose Cannon: Come On Aileen, we saw a RARE admission by DOJ. In court filings about Classified document theft crime, they admitted they have MULTIPLE informants. At the very least, two informants.

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These 2 rats flipped BEFORE the FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago, so neither is Mark Meadows

At least 1 of the 2 is so close to Trump they knew of his safe in his BEDROOM. That means family member or Trump sexual partner (like alleged attorney Alina Habba-the-Jutt)

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And the 2 (or more) flippers are 'civilians'. So none of these acknowledged rats are from military OR FROM US Secret Service. (I believe there are MORE rats, including some from USSS)

Finally: 1 of informants testifies ALSO in ANOTHER CASE (Jan 6 or Georgia)

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This is not my conjecture. There are 2 or more flips. At least 1 is so close to Trump, has been to Trump BEDROOM. They are not Secret Service. And at least 1 of them testifies ALSO in ANOTHER case against Trump

when I say there is a #RatBingo - I mean it

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We do not know who they are. DOJ and Jack Smith will not tell us until the trial, & in this case that means the trial of the mob boss - Trump. The mob boss is always tried LAST

Who CAN it be? Ivanka & Jared are SOLID bets. All signs suggest they flipped in 2021

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Imagine if Ivanka testifies that Daddy PLANNED to steal the classified documentsm and she told where some documents were aftually later found. & Jared testifies he got bids from Saudis, who asked for specific TYPES of info, like say about Israel's defense systems

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Trump is ALREADY caught red-handed HOLDING 325 documents he stole. He is seen on video MOVING boxes. He is caught. But 2 witnesses like Ivanka & Jared would BURY him in this case. Game, set and match

This was BEFORE Mark Meadows flipped

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I do not 'know' Meadows has flipped as DOJ will NEVER tell us who has flipped until the trial. VERY rare that DOJ admits they HAVE (at least) 2 informants. But Mark BEHAVIOR during Mar-A-Lago raid suggested he had not yet flipped. But after it he CHANGED behavior

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But our near-certainty that Mark Meadows has indeed flipped AFTER Mar-A-LAgo raid is from Trump Attorneys !!! They went on TV to warn Trump - stop talking to Mark, he is flipping against you

Mark behavior changed TOTALLY and is now consistent with a flip

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Now put yourself in Jack Smith shoes and consider ONLY the Classified documents case. If you have 2 flips, one of them is Ivanka or Jared. And then you get Mark Meadows to flip. You have Trump on tape, his attorneys caught lying to FBI. You do not NEED more flips

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So why is he not arresting Trump?

Because this is a CONSPIRACY trial. The Mafia boss is ALWAYS tried LAST. And he HAS to CONVICT the layers BELOW Trump first - else Trump will try to BLAME THEM

We HAVE Trump. Jack Smith wants EVERY perp, including Evan Corcoran

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What about this 2 day interview with Boris - T Dawg? You promised this Thread would not suddenly go all borissy on us! - Sorry, it has to be a little bit borissy, but I promise, not very borissy - Epshteyn?

There is NO plea bargain for Boris about Mar-a-Lagogate

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Now. Lets take Jack Smith next horrid crime. Jan 6th. We learned that at least 1 of the at least 2 flippers so far, was also testifying in another federal case against Trump. That is almost certainly Jan 6

And now we add Mark Meadows flip. TWO powerful witnesses

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But don't forget Patsy Baloney! Pat Cipollone sat IN THE ORIGINAL FOUNDING MEETING of this mad attempt of coup d'etat - and strongly objected immediately. So much, that Trump REFUSED to let Pat attend their second meeting about the insurrection

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Jan 6th was Trump's attempt to END AMERICAN DEMOCRACY to be appointed King Donald the Worst (as opposed to King Donald the Wurst)

It would have meant the House of Trump, next ruler, Queen Ivanka. Jan 6th is worse than Espionage-a-Lago

And Jack Smith has Trump

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Now Mark Meadows? He helped Trump PLAN the theft of classified documents - AND he helped Trump organize Jan 6th

What the actual fuck Mark? How much of a treasonous asshole are you?

WHY did Mark AGREE to this madness. All these crimes?

..I know. Let me tell you

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Mark Meadows did not START his Trumpocriming with a coup d'etat and theft of national secrets to sell to Saudis, Turks and Egyptians. No. Mark started small scale in summer of 2020 - based on a Trump promise, Trump will pardon Meadows. So burn this document...

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After you start on that road, you are Trump's extortion victim. Mark? Do this one more thing for me - or I will NOT sign the pardon I promised you

and every week Trump demands ever more obscene crimes, and Mark has no choice but do it

That is how Trump got Mark

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And of course after all the criming, Trump stiffed Mark Meadows. Did not pardon him. Trump paid Meadows $1 Million dollars instead. (Which is where I get the price tag for the bribes to Trump for Presidential pardons). Not Trump own money, was campaign money

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Mark Meadows personally helped plan Jan 6 & personally helped steal government secret documents for Trump. He is totally caught & faced death penalty. So when given the chance to flip - of course Mark flipped, last summer. And is now in witness protection program

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So put yourself in Jack Smith's shoes. Here is this scumbag dirty attorney, Boris - T Dawg! You promised this Thread will not become borissy - Epshteyn who comes in to sell his plea bargain for 2 days. Would you NEED him? Not with Jan 6, not with espionage-A-Lago

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I could do the same for Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin etc election fraud via Giuliani, but won't bother

Lets leave Jack Smith & check ouf the 3 other enormous crimes. Bribes? To sell Presidential pardons? Did this really happen? Roger Stone, Jared & Gosar involved

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I cannot prove to you that Trump took bribes to sell Presidential pardons, but he took bribes for his APPOINTMENTS - a FAR LESS valuable opportunity. It would go against all we know about Trump NOT to sell the pardons. Here Amb Sondheim who paid Trump for his job

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Gov Blagojevich got 15 years in federal prison for trying to get a bribe on a Senator seat

I estimated Trump's bribes for the pardons would earn him at least 700 years in prison, with cautious assumption that only half of his pardons involved a bribe

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The 3 Trumpomobsters known to have sold Trump pardons for Trump were Roger Stone, Jared and Arizona's ranking creep and former chair of the AGA - American Gargoyle Association Paul Gosar (seen here smiling for the cameras). They earn CENTURIES in prison each

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Who handled the money? Allen Weisselberg, Trump's now confessed serial tax fraud and grand larsonist, the accountant to Trump for 40 years was the ONLY person Trump trusted with his money. And Allen seems to have just flipped in New York

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If you have Weisselberg's bookkeeping - AND the banking account info - & Jared flipped & Allen flipped.. you do not give Roger Stone or Paul Gosar a plea bargain. You do not NEED to

Some of the pardons may be rescinded by SCOTUS; MANAFORT could go back to prison

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If you're Jack Smith interviewing some sick Boris - No, No no no, no more borissing! - Epshteyn who then tries to peddle HIS evidence of bribes about Pardons... Jack Smith is not going to give Jack Shit about that plea. Fuck off Boris. No deal

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What of Putin? Epshteyn is likely the control dude paid by Putin installed after Trump fired Manafort. If Epshteyn tries to plea bargain on proving Putin control of Trump, Jack Smith is not interested because we cannot GET PUTIN. So plea bargain is not worth it

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That gets us to the last monster crime by Trump. He sold the SCOTUS seats by bribe too. Obviously I don't know this, it just fits Trump pattern of behavior. It would be WILDLY out of character if he did NOT take those bribes

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I am expecting the SCOTUS bribes to be the last bombshell. And be the final plea bargain. I do not know HOW closely Boris was advising Trump but they spoke often 5 times per day. Bribes are a standard Putin tool. Boris might be able to get a plea bargain here.

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