Sick Hebrew Profile picture
aka Angry Joe. Proud Zionist. COVID fucked me. #LongCovid #IStandWithIsrael 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

Apr 22, 2023, 7 tweets

🧵Even before being disabled with #LongCovid I’ve had a real problem with people joining the zombie hoard, ditching masking, and engaging in-person for everything like it’s 2019. But being #NotRecovered it just feels more like a slap in the face when it’s my so-called friends. /1

I find it offensive when family and friends, knowing how I got this way, why I got this way, drop their masks, send their kids to school, go out to concerts, parties, etc. not to mention the audacity of blathering on about it to me. It tells me they don’t believe me. /2

When I try to explain how they are unnecessarily exposing themselves to COVID they can’t help but repeat like robots all the typical propaganda points.

✅ “Well, life must go on.”

Guess what? You’re life won’t go on for long with those repeated infections. /3

✅ “We’ve been locked up for three years. Our kids have been locked up for three years!”

No you haven’t. No they haven’t. Really? You weren’t allowed to leave your house? Your kids couldn’t play outside?

I didn’t know wearing a mask was synonymous with “lockdown.” /4

✅ “We are vaccinated.”

Yeah I was vaccinated to the max as well. What’s your explanation for why I’m still disabled today? /5

✅ “COVID is just like a cold now. We didn’t lock down or mask up for colds before the pandemic.”

Actually it’s not. You may not end up like me tomorrow, but that’s still a BSL3 immune-system devouring pathogen you’re breathing in. Eventually, you’re going to have problems. /6

There’s too much stupidity for me to address, honestly. I feel like I’m Roddy Piper with the glasses in “They Live…” except I’m a prisoner to my #LongCovid now. /7

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