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“They who have put out the people's eyes reproach them of their blindness.” ~ John Milton. Online safety expert. #MedicareForAll #PeaceNotWar

Apr 22, 2023, 10 tweets

Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
🇱🇹 Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine.


Key 🇺🇸American ally
and member of #NATO & 🇪🇺EU
Lithuania glorifies its nazi past.

Not surprising that they would be one of the most vocally against 🇷🇺Russian anti-nazi agenda in 🇺🇦Ukraine.


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