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Apr 24, 2023, 11 tweets

#NeRFs are the new big thing in AI.

This ad was produced by a single person: no $1M budget, no drone, no massive film and editing crew.

It's all thanks to NeRFs.

Read on if you want to stay ahead:

Arata Fukoe, a young tech artist in Japan, created the above and below with his GoPro and @LumaLabsAI NeRF technology.

In this thread, we’ll cover:

• What are NeRFs
• LumaLabs Tech
• Impact 1: Advertising
• Impact 2: Gaming
• Impact 3: Film

What Are NeRFs?

NeRFs use deep learning AI to study a picture.

Then they use rendering to create NEW views of the scene.

You can even create 3D representations of an object from 2D images!

This gives you a drone effect without the drone:

LumaLabs Tech

LumaLabsAI allows you to easily render a 3D model from your 2D picture on your iPhone.

Then you can record the video as you pan the scene to create those amazing effects:

Impact 1: Advertising

This type of technology is going to put an end to $1M budgets for TV ads.

A single tech artist will be to put together something TV-worthy.

How amazing would it be to see this ad for a Nerf ball?

Or this ad for McDonald’s?

There could be an entire generation of direct-to-consumer brands that spawn off this technology.

Check the potential for this hair-clipper brand:

Impact 2: Gaming

LumaLabs' tech allows you to export your NeRF 3-D models to game engines like Unreal Engine.

You could go from picture → 3-D model → to Fortnite in a few hours.

This will vastly decrease asset creation time in games.

Impact 3: Film

The implications for films like The Matrix and Mission Impossible are obvious.

But in general, this tech could allow for much cooler angles and shots even for dramas and other types of film:

#NeRFs are set to change the trajectory of the advertising, gaming, and film industries.

If you're still not convinced, just look at this zoom effect 🤯

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