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Sam K. Viersen Presidential Professor | Recent Books: Taking America Back for God; The Flag & The Cross | New Book: Religion for Realists | CV:

Apr 24, 2023, 5 tweets

If you wanna read a scathing theological critique of #ChristianNationalism, look no further than John MacArthur himself. Brutal takedown of contemporary efforts to restore Christendom via political reform. Dude even thinks our Revolution was sinful—Founders didn’t obey Romans 13.

Here’s his thoughts on the American Revolution. Hardly an endorsement of the Christian founding of our nation.

Oh man, savage. Get ‘em, John. Unthinkable that Christians become the avowed enemies of the very people they’re hear to serve.

And here’s one where J-Mac quotes another author. Note the underlining.

Ok last one. But J-Mac doesn’t let up. Unequivocally against depending on social & political reform, from the Christian left or right, to advance an unspiritual Christian America. He says be good citizens & vote. But rails against Christianizing in any way but via conversion.

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