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Editor-in-Chief @UncoverDC & | Host of the “With Beanz” podcast | Contributor-The HighWire #CARNIVORE

Apr 24, 2023, 11 tweets

🚨THREAD: I think today is a great day for questions, do you?! #TheSuspendables had a list of questions they released, and I have had a chance to go through them all now and I think these are things that every American needs the answers to. So let’s take a look, shall we?……

Jennifer Moore is in charge of Human Resources, Training and Security Clearance responsibilities at the FBI. We published emails given to us by a whistleblower, but SCRIBD removed them, because they didn’t want you to see them. Jen is one of the people responsible for merging……

There was an “All hands” town hall meeting, but the whistleblowers who stepped forward (and are still considered employees) weren’t invited. Because of that, they decided to formulate their questions separately in this list. The FBI has NOT upheld its statutory mandate to provide……

It’s important to note, that I can not find any documented information that shows that Moore is even TRAINED in HR, let alone running an entire department on behalf of one of the largest bureaucracies in the US Government. These first 5 questions are great, especially because the……

This is another very good set of questions that employees of the FBI should be entitled to ask their HR department. The department that exists to look out for THEIR wellbeing (right? Isn’t that how its supposed to work, anyway?)

#8: “Why was the decision made to change the……

Were FBI employees retaliated against by having their SECURITY CLEARANCES revoked because they had a medical reason or a sincerely held religious belief and chose NOT to get the COVID vaccine? Don’t skip 14. We will get to that next.

These really needs answers.

“Does FBI Human Resources Division believe that employees refusal to comply with President Biden’s EO 14043 is a “psychological condition concern” which may justify suspension of security clearance? Does the FBI require prospective employees to pass……

It looks like the FBI may be suspending the security clearances of people who were reinstated to employment following the injunction that stopped the vaccine mandates.

That wouldn’t be right. That would be targeting and discrimination. I wonder what Jen Moore’s answer would be……

Also, we have 19 and 20 here in this bulk, and I believe these things HAVE actually happened. Come to think of it, I believe ALL of these things have actually happened. But 19 and 20 are serious.

Does the FBI make it practice to release employees MEDICAL INFO to the MEDIA?! I……

It seems like the language in question 22 was pulled directly from correspondence where the FBI was admonishing someone for talking about their mistreatment. I wonder if this is allowed.

Is Jen Moore using TikTok at work?

And how many GS-14 employees have gone on to work at……

What a coincidence!

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