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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Apr 24, 2023, 7 tweets


#Actually, this is great news for Tucker. Couldn't be better. lol

Ahahaha oh my god. This is just too much.

"They always hate most who succeed in journalism"

About Tucker Carlson. ahahahaha.

"But he's also hated by that crowd because he holds up a mirror to the failures of their heroes."


This has all really made my day. Glenn is clearly miserable as hell and flailing all over. It is really some Grade A schadenfreude.

Liberals don't mind Sean Hannity. Oh yeah...for sure man. We love Hannity, but Tucker's non-interventionist mindset TERRIFIES us.

This is such a glorious meltdown.

Is it the racism? the election denial? The wanton cruelty? The countless lies after lies after lies?

Nope, I Glem Greenwald know the REAL reason Libs dislike Tucker: it's because he's so handsome, popular and anti-war.

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