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Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Apr 25, 2023, 17 tweets

The World Economic Forum is subtly explaining how it's Neo-Communist in a new agenda article claiming everyone wants to meet Agenda 2030 but more "civic participation" is needed to accomplish it.

Let's go through it.

Executive summary suggests Agenda 2030 is supported unanimously (can we stop pretending it's a conspiracy theory yet?), that attacks on what it calls "civil society" and "civic freedoms" are a roadblock, and that freedom means freedom from fear and want. 🚩🚩🚩

In the first paragraph, we get a look behind the curtain. Whatever they mean by "civil society" and "civic freedoms" has everything to do with "economic inequality, gender imbalances, corruption, and environmental degradation." 🚩🚩🚩
They're Neo-Communists.

What the WEF means by "civil society" and "civic freedoms" isn't what you think it means. It means equity, inclusion, and sustainability to provide the "freedoms" under that discipline, just like Mao (pics 2&3). "Civil society" means don't argue, don't protest, do go along.

We're at the halfway point in Agenda 2030 (can we please stop calling it a conspiracy theory yet?), so they're getting nervous. Things aren't going smoothly. They remind us that it's the largest bid for Communism ever attempted. It's a global revolution. It must fail.

They never question for a second if people want or even should want the world they market in their corrupted language: "peaceful," "just," "equal," and "sustainable" societies. It all sounds good in the abstract, but in the concrete it's tyranny and nonsense, like always.

The goal of the summit is to "propose strategies to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030" (can we stop calling it a conspiracy theory yet?!).

See, it's all been delayed by the crisis shocks they've rocked the world with specifically to implement it (pic 2). Bastards.

See, we have consensus! So it's obviously good. Thesis, antithesis, consensus. Unity under a new global standard. Democracy with centralism. Freedom under discipline. Everything is falling apart, but we are unified under the new glorious program. That's their message. It's Mao.

"people-centered commitments" 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Remember when you thought it was about "civil society"? Well, it's really under the decision-making of "civil society organizations" which "forge consensus" and increase their "partnerships." It's networked Communist front organizations.

Apparently fundamental civic rights (?? individual rights? No.) are under attack! Oh no! But when we look more closely, they seem to mix legitimate concerns (China) with nonsense under twisted definitions. Leftist activism meeting any resistance seems to count.

See? Getting in their way, even when they break the law, is what it means to "restrict civic freedoms." Whether you prefer Mao or Marcuse (Repressive Tolerance), this is the Neo-Communist distortion that lets them bias the playing field to their unfair advantage.

This is probably my favorite part of this. They're still saying "build back better" because of Covid-19. Hilarious. Agenda 2030 is the point of build back better, though, as we can see. (Actually, 2050, but I digress...)
(gotta take an intermission for a meeting, BBL).

UN boss Antonio Guterres bemoans the loss of "civil society" and violations of "human rights" as the problem and urges centering them in Agenda 2030 initiatives. Look what he means by that, though: Woke and Sustainability nonsense. They always redefine everything and hide it.

Guterres insists "rising hate speech" is a violation of human rights. So are "social polarization" and "environmental degradation," as they define them. "Unequal access" is another, with Neo-Communism as the obvious "solution."

The degradation of "civic space" is cited as a key problem, but what does it mean? It means activists for the Agenda get their way and everything else is censored and excluded. "Civic space" is a political economy that advances the Agenda.

Development "must be about freedom from fear and freedom from want," so Communism, which will "ensure that the benefits are evenly spread." Source: 2013 opinion piece in the Guardian calling for the end of our current system, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 🚩🚩

So now we see the big push coming this year, which is obviously Neo-Communism and must be humiliated by September so we can stop Agenda 2030 at its midpoint. They're obviously nervous.

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