James Lindsay, anti-Communist Profile picture
Perennial outsider. Cancelled by both sides. Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Anti-Fascist. Based af. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
92 subscribers
Feb 22 35 tweets 7 min read
I just returned from the ARC conference in London where I had countless conversations with people face-to-face about the "Woke Right." While most by far were moderately to extremely supportive, some were duly challenging. I think it's worth talking about them and their variety.🧵 I will start by reiterating that (a) I had a LOT of conversations about the subject of the "Woke Right," far, far more than I wanted to, so it is definitely being widely recognized and discussed, and (b) that most of these were moderately to extremely supportive of my fight.
Feb 20 18 tweets 9 min read
In the midst of the USAID scandal flowing to Christianity Today and, apparently, Russell Moore, who tried to gently transform the Southern Baptist Convention to soft Woke up through 2019, I have made a curious discovery: they did some of it with the occultist Fetzer Institute. Image
As reported in the Baptist Press back in 2019, the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberties Committee (ERLC), headed by Russell Moore and with the collaboration of many notable others, coordinated with the occultist Fetzer Institute to produce a report.
Feb 15 10 tweets 3 min read
Unlike @MikeBenzCyber, I'm not a big expert on how USAID operated, but the big picture is that if there was something destabilizing going on pretty much anywhere, USAID found ways to dump American taxpayer money (usually through networks of NGOs) into that destabilization. Woke stuff is extremely destabilizing, including abroad, hence pushing money into tons of Woke "research" and initiatives all around the globe, including here at home. That's the purpose of Woke stuff: destabilization and subversion. De facto, that was the purpose of USAID.
Feb 10 27 tweets 5 min read
The fun thing about having lots of rumors swirling around about you is having to take treks into "None Of Your Business" zones publicly sometimes.

There's a rumor @SovMichael is my "weird benefactor" (as Chris Rufo put it to me recently, which brings us here). That's not true.🧵 Normally, I don't think it's anyone's business but ours to talk about our finances and business relationship, but since Rufo seems to have believed the propaganda about my relationship with Michael, as have many others, I'm going to address it. Again. Ughh.
Feb 6 6 tweets 2 min read
Some of us were telling you all that Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op the Woke Right radicals were falling into or exploiting and delivering the receipts that the other ("critical") side of this op was working in alignment with the feds for a long time now, no money added. Image People like Auron MacIntyre and William Wolfe, inter alia, are the right-hand side of a "Christian Nationalist" scissor operation that had people like Russell Moore on its other side all along.

Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op, even with one arm of the scissors now exposed.
Jan 28 34 tweets 7 min read
I often hear that we need to abandon our "libertarian" (meaning constitutional) principles in order to win, or that we should do so because we need to "like winning." Let's talk about winning. As my Aussie friends say, let's check the scoreboard, mates. 🧵 If we're going to talk about winning, we need to talk about what we're winning, but let's look at the scoreboard first.

The "we need to win" crowd told us consistently before the election that we "can't vote our way out of this" and that "voting harder" won't work. It did.
Jan 27 30 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, I did a thread about "post-liberalism" (after liberty) and discussed its unfair conflation of two traditions that both get called "liberal" and touched on how those two regard the "self." Most found it helpful. Some got upset. The trans issue adds much relief. 🧵 Without getting into it all again, the two traditions that get called "liberal" are American and Continental (or French-German). The first is rooted in realism and the second is rooted in idealism, which is anti-real in its metaphysics (in practice, often constructivist).
Jan 26 16 tweets 3 min read
We all talk a lot about "Cluster-B personality disorders" these days, and there's likely a very simple reason why: social media facilitates their amplification. There is almost no playground better for these destructive disorders than social media, and the consequences are huge. Cluster-B personality disorders are the particularly nasty ones: histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, and borderline. They are stable psychological deformations, at least by the time adulthood is reached, and they cause disruption and destruction everywhere they go.
Jan 25 19 tweets 3 min read
So I've been listening to some of the arguments made by so-called "post-liberals" (notably Prof. Patrick Deneen) a little more closely than before and want to speak to a persistent confusion I see in the foundation of their work that I almost have to wonder if it's deliberate. 🧵 The problem, and the allure of "post-liberalism" (including to our current Vice President) is obviously that "liberal" is a highly contentious term, and one has to wonder what it means if we're going to go "post" (beyond) it. It means VERY distinct things to different thinkers.
Jan 25 16 tweets 6 min read
I so glad I did a podcast series about this nonsense some time ago (links below) and entirely by coincidence chose the exact same stock photo for the card. What they're doing to our universities is making them into seminaries for the UN's evil "Sustainability" cult. See below! These are actually over two years old now! Two and a quarter!
Jan 25 30 tweets 6 min read
I have to offer some thanks to my detractors like this one for telling on themselves by saying things like "a coming out party [ed.: gay] for the ascendant elite of the right."

We should realize this is how these too-online dorks see themselves and talk about elite theory. 🧵 Image Before hitting elite theory, let me remark about the "too-online dorks" remark. There's a poison dorks are susceptible to when they start being seen as "cool" for their ideas and get moderately big social media accounts. They start thinking they're an "ascendant elite."
Jan 24 22 tweets 4 min read
It's worth talking more generally about why it's unproductive, though not wholly incorrect, to frame out Critical Race Theory and its activities and consequences as being "anti-White racism." To really get it requires understanding that good active measures have two dumps. 🧵 Rather than talking about CRT and the actual fact of its derivative anti-white animus and outright racism first, let's talk about active measures and their "dumps."

Another name for an active measure is a "psyops." The "dump" of a psyops is where you want it to take people.
Jan 16 32 tweets 7 min read
As I've done with cars and immigration, and as the Woke Left demonstrated with everything you can think of, it is possible to make a Critical Theory out of anything at all. Why don't we imagine what one would look like if it was done to Ronald Reagan. Critical Reagan Theory! 🧵 The way every Critical Theory works is always the same. It's ultimately a deconstructive process that takes belief in that something apart by selectively presenting the "problematic" elements and making wild insinuations and accusations (like Satan) about its impacts.
Jan 15 14 tweets 3 min read
What are the operational goals of the Woke Right?

Short term: Agitate and radicalize a segment of MAGA, esp. youth
Mid term: Fracture MAGA around issues and Trump specifically as Trump does Trump instead of WR things
Long term: Seize defeat from the jaws of victory for Left. In the immediate term, the Woke Right is running a radicalization blitzkrieg attack, pushing issue after issue that draw our young men into greater radicalization, anger, socialist thinking, postmodernist utilitarianism, etc. This is fracturing MAGA and has foreign help.
Jan 13 17 tweets 3 min read
On a deep level, though not the deepest level, what "Woke" represents is a broken relationship to the two fundamental pillars of civilization, these being truth and justice. Woke always relativizes and localizes both truth and justice within their own twisted worldviews. 🧵 What is truth? Truth is a description of how much fidelity to reality a belief has.
What is justice? Justice is when people get what they deserve and do not get what they do not deserve, both good and bad in both cases.

Civilization depends completely on truth and justice.
Jan 12 20 tweets 5 min read
An important tactic used by wedge movements, Gramscian infiltrators (long march into the institutions to establish counter-hegemonic control), militant ideologies, and especially WOKE is an old Soviet technique called "Entryism." You'll surely recognize it once described. 🧵 Yes, it really is called "entryism," or "entrism," or "boring from within," which is highly descriptive, and it's being used all around you by militant ideological factions including the Woke (how they took our institutions), Woke Right, and Islamists.
Jan 7 9 tweets 2 min read
There's a lot of confusion around Fascism partly because it refers to two different systems, one economic and one sociocultural/political (they obviously can overlap). Economic Fascism is union of state and corporation. The other is a narrowly defined, high-purity "nationalism." Most of the bugbear of Fascism as a fundamentally evil way to organize and run society refers to the puritanical doctrine of "nationalism," not the economic program that often gets linked to and defined by it, but Economic Fascism is a model of married state-corporate power.
Jan 4 30 tweets 5 min read
In a manner of speaking, though not literally, every Communist eventually ends up in the gulag he built to imprison and reeducate others.


It's because every powerful person in a Communist-like regime is vulnerable to baseless accusations of hypocrisy they cannot survive.🧵 In some sense, there are two types of societies: free and tyrannical. There are also two types of tyrannies: those run by warlords and what we might call Virtue Paradigms. While Communists can be as brutal as warlords, they run Virtue Paradigms.
Jan 3 17 tweets 3 min read
The key and most important difference between Woke and not-Woke is deeply philosophical. In fact, it's a metaphysical orientation, which is to say a worldview. It's anti-realism (Woke) versus realism (not). That's perception precedes reality versus reality precedes perception. The Woke worldview is anti-realist. It believes that perception precedes reality. Obviously, few people are fully committed to this position or have a developed awareness of it, but it boils down to that in varying degrees. Believing perception defines reality means Woke.
Jan 3 30 tweets 6 min read
So let's talk a little about the thing we've actually been fighting. If you follow me, you know I put most of it down to Communism (or Bolshevism), but that's an abbreviation for convenience. "Communism" is a 20th-century thing. We're fighting a Communist-Fascist hybrid. 🧵 We'll obviously have to explain what Communism, Fascism, Bolshevism, and Sovietism all are to really understand the thing we're actually up against (and making headway against!), but let's start by pointing out that today's grand global evil is a blend of these things.
Dec 30, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
What has always distinguished America as a nation is that it has always worked to reject an ethnonationalist conception of itself, as was encoded in our founding documents. Americans are a people in a place but a people who unite around the idea that ethnos isn't who we are. America is exceptional. It's the greatest nation in the history of the world. America is exceptional because it has a completely different conception of itself than every other nation on Earth. It is not an ethnonationalist project but one built on self-evident truths.