James Lindsay, anti-Communist Profile picture
Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
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Jul 2 13 tweets 3 min read
In reading about Mao's reign in China in the 1950s, I was particularly taken by a concept and phrase I hadn't heard yet, one that the Communists used to absolutely devastate China and overthrow all resistance. They held meetings that were designed to "Speak Bitterness." What would happen is that the Communists would come into a region or village and immediately place cadres and set up a nightly meeting everyone had to attend on various pains if they refused. They used them at first essentially as data mining operations with the people.
Jun 30 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm at the point in my career exposing and explaining Woke Marxism where reading Woke literature just infuriates me. I understand it clearly. It's widely exposed. It infuriates me to read them still doing it. I gotta straighten that out. I'm reading a legal paper about parental rights, and it keeps talking about the "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida, for example. There was no such bill. That was a media propaganda line, but here it is in one of the most respected law journals in the world as a pillar for evil BS.
Jun 27 6 tweets 1 min read
It is true that Christians must not lose their compassion, including for illegals. The correct Christian compassion begins with Jesus' two commandments, both of them: love God and love your neighbor. You can't love your neighbor without loving Right first. You cannot love the individual of an illegal immigrant as you would yourself, and express compassion for him, by inviting him in illegally, which automatically curses him as an outcast. That is not compassion. That is not helpful. That is not Christian love.
Jun 20 9 tweets 4 min read
The other day, I shared evidence that Minecraft is pushing education for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN's Agenda 2030, and wouldn't you know it! They're partnered with UNESCO, not just sucking up to them. Image You can see here that Minecraft is absolutely serious about having partnered with UNESCO to deliver content consistent with turning your kids into activists for Agenda 2030 and it's Sustainable Development Goals, and they consider this "education."
Jun 14 10 tweets 2 min read
A common mistake anti-Communist activists make is setting their priority on substantive "wins" (like in policy, etc.). That's what you do when you control a significant part of the power, not very little of it. They should prioritize people, energy, (and money) at first instead. All oppressed groups who have escaped their oppression throughout history teach the same lesson. You cannot win a power struggle when you don't have any power, but you can use what you have and the power itself to grow in power that can eventually become unstoppable.
Jun 10 15 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about a really important Woke idea you may not have heard of yet, though it's not new in any way: the "social determinants of health." If you're guessing that this is a blank check for Woke Marxists to do Medical Lysenkoism and more, you're exactly right. The "social determinants of health" is a social (critical) constructivist theory about how health happens, and guess what! The conditions in which health arises or fails are socially constructed! Aren't you surprised? Of course you're not. That's Woke everything, but this is big.
Jun 8 4 tweets 1 min read
Just spent the afternoon reading about how the CCP went from village to village during Land Reform and stoked hatred until the countryside tore itself apart—millions dead and complete economic destruction—and it looks more or less exactly like what DEI training was designed to do In Land Reform, it was land, grain, and stuff that was redistributed after the chaos and destruction resulting from the Communist hatecraft. In DEI it's professional status and job positions. Otherwise, the process is essentially the same.

Rough day.
Jun 7 13 tweets 3 min read
It was Hegel's belief that racial, ethnic, and cultural dialectics must play out to complete History. His recommended method for achieving it was to place groups in direct, conflicted contact with one another to transform societies. "Multiculturalism" is that put into practice. We could talk about Hegel's beliefs about race, which we would recognize as ugly and wrong, but the key point is the conflict to advance history (make "progress") toward its intended endpoint. The Hegelian (and Marxist) "multicultural" methods are *designed* to produce conflict.
Jun 7 25 tweets 5 min read
From the woman (pretending to be male) who was the Satanic designer whose work led in part to the gigantic Target boycott last year: "transitioning is alchemy." I would like to discuss this Socially Gnostic/Hermetic statement in some depth to clarify what gender ideology does. Image The first thing to understand is the term "alchemy." Alchemy is a magical process with particular metaphysical commitments beneath it. The basic idea is believing that some essential substance can be transmuted into some other essential substance, but it goes deeper than this.
Jun 7 7 tweets 2 min read
Jesus commanded to lead with the truth (love God) ahead of loving your neighbors. The two commandments aren't separate, and to treat them as such is subversion and blasphemy. There is no love for neighbor that doesn't start with the truth. Men cannot become women, and vice versa. I usually try to explain Communist subversion of Christianity with Matthew 10:16: I send you out, so be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. A subversive lie on this is "Jesus said be gentle as doves," which is falsely true. He said it, but that's not all he said or the meaning.
Jun 4 10 tweets 2 min read
Marxists always lie. Their programs always work like this. There are cynical reasons and other reasons for that fact, and both are in operation. Marxists who knows Marxism doesn't work pot out the opposite of what their programs do as a pretext for taking power. Many simply don't care if it will work and do the same. The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution. These cynical motives are real.
May 24 10 tweets 2 min read
Be aware that the Regime is only interested in power, not how it gets power, so as their Leftist bid fails, it's likely to shift to a hard-Right press. Tracks are already laid for this, but will it work? This isn't some idiotic demand that the milquetoast center hold, and it doesn't even have to rely upon such a model. Left and Right are inapt terms. The three political theories are Communism, Fascism, and Liberalism. The last is not the "center"; it's the answer.
May 24 35 tweets 7 min read
We all know that Communism targets private property (capitalism) and everything it can claim supports the idea of maintaining private property rights, but Communism is a religion, and what it's really after is your soul. Private property is just a proxy to that end. That Communism is a religion is, I suppose, the first thing that needs to be understood here. If it's a religion, it's probably pretty obvious that it's after souls. Almost all of Marx's writings attest to this fact in one way or another, but his earlier writings are clear.
May 23 11 tweets 2 min read
Herbert Marcuse's New Left, particularly as it marched to protest the Vietnam War (cf. Gaza War today) is likely most of the reason for this trend, although not all of it.

Critical Marxism (Critical Theory) was mostly irrelevant nonsense until it turned to identity politics. Marcuse, who was himself openly Maoist ("Certainly today every Marxist who is not a communist of strict obedience is a Maoist"), was really the one who started to crack the code on how to import Maoist identity politics into the American context. That gave CT actual relevance.
May 23 11 tweets 2 min read
Woke Marxism is tailor-made to derange women by pushing on buttons of toxic empathy. Woke Marxism is so toxically feminine in its character because it virtually all grew out of various branches of radical feminism, which is designed to target women in particular and weaponize their antisocial capacities.
May 22 20 tweets 4 min read
"Woke Right."

What does it mean? That's... a thread.

Why is there an active measure being played on the term to assign its definition in the opposite direction to what it originally was meant to point to? Because the targets need to get it off of them before it sticks. There are at least three things to which "Woke Right" could possibly refer, and the activism is in the ambiguity. Best not to trust people who aren't trying to be clear in their terms in such cases, of course.
1) Proto-fascist Right
2) Classical Liberals
3) RINOs
May 16 23 tweets 4 min read
My model is
Communism 1.0: Marx
Communism 2.0: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc.
Communism 3.0: Western Marxism, Woke Maoism, Corporate Sovietism Communism 1.0:

The theoretical concerns laid out by Marx simply couldn't be actualized. They were cult-religious nonsense that simply wasn't practicable and was based in all these ideas of history inevitably moving in particular directions. It's the foundation, though.
May 15 37 tweets 8 min read
I did this thread on critical constructivism (the right name for "Woke") last night, and I'm grateful it has received over half a million views so far. One thing I didn't detail is how hostile to science critical constructivism is. The sciences weren't ready for its attack. I don't think any of us are under particular illusions (except the Very Smart People, maybe) that science is being attacked by Woke very successfully, but I suspect most people don't have any idea how it works conceptually or practically. We should talk about these factors.
May 14 17 tweets 4 min read
Idk who needs to hear this, but "Christ consciousness" is not Christian, it is occult. It is most prominently a part of what is called New Thought, which is a Gnostic-Hermetic "New Age" cult of theosophy that has been mainstreamed in American/Western pop-culture by Oprah, et al. "Christ consciousness" does not refer to being conscious of Christ, or having a felt experience of Christ, as a part of a Christian faith. It refers to having the same enlightened consciousness New Thought ascribes to Christ as just another of its claimed historical masters.
May 14 35 tweets 6 min read
There's a right name for the "Woke" ideology, and it's critical constructivism. Critical constructivist ideology is what you "wake up" to when you go Woke. Reading this book, which originally codified it in 2005, is like reading a confession of Woke ideology. Let's talk about it. Image The guy whose name is on the cover of that book is credited with codifying critical constructivism, or as it would be better to call it, critical constructivist ideology (or ideologies). His name is Joe Kincheloe, he was at Magill University, and he was a critical pedagogue.
May 7 25 tweets 5 min read
I recently went on a deep-dive exploration of the term "gender" and its history as it pertains to Woke so I could figure out what it really means. What I found out actually surprised me.

It doesn't mean anything at all. It's a completely ideological contrivance. Historically, for over a century, people have used the term "gender" to mean "sex," a kind of polite synonym for that particular biological status that doesn't happen to be exactly the same word as the activity people do when they're getting down with one another.