James Lindsay, anti-Communist Profile picture
Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
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Sep 15 25 tweets 5 min read
You may have noticed that people who are wrong, especially when doing wrong, not just factually wrong, often attack people telling the truth. That's Error hating Truth.

Why does Error hate Truth? A borrowed lesson from my friend the Honorable Bob McEwan. 🧵 Imagine we're in an auditorium, and I say the auditorium is 50 feet wide, and you say it's 60 feet, and someone else says it's 80 feet. Obviously, we cannot all be correct (although we could all be wrong).
Sep 14 6 tweets 2 min read
"I'm going to take James [Lindsay] so badly! Watch this! I'll be like, 'BREAKING NEWS: James Lindsay admits that Hitler was fighting Marxists!"

This disgusting behavior is to elicit my attention and make Nick Fuentes and his Groypers dance for her, which they did.
If you wonder why I don't interact with her, it's because she's dangerously obsessed with me and does this dishonest cluster-B thing all the time. Most of her posts are about me. Most of her streams are about me. It's all unhinged cluster-B provocation. See it?
Sep 14 5 tweets 2 min read
This passage from Hitler about the Jews is really telling. Image Very nasty Hitler views about Jews in Germany. Image
Sep 8 17 tweets 3 min read
I feel like this makes me need to talk about Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign, although I don't claim to know what motivates Tucker Carlson on his strange turn lately (no accusation, judging by fruits).

"Let 100 flowers bloom. Let 100 schools contend." 🧵
In 1956, Mao Zedong, believing he had brainwashed the population of China into deep socialist belief, and to make a liberalizing show in the wake of Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin, launched the Hundred Flowers Campaign, which encouraged free speech and criticism of the CCP.
Sep 7 8 tweets 2 min read
Because they're trying to

(a) throw doubt on the moral standing of the Western nations, especially the US, regarding WWII,
(b) so they can discredit the "post-WWII liberal consensus" at its foundation, and
(c) spread muck and division in the conservative ranks (agitprop). There's a building that faction wants to implode, by one means or another, and that building is belief in America and the Western Alliance as a force for good in the world. Revisionism on WWII (and Lincoln is coming), in addition to the Spanish Civil War, takes out key beams.
Sep 4 10 tweets 2 min read
An important dynamic to understand, common to the Woke, Woke Right, and other manipulators, is the deracination–reracination maneuver. Racination refers to how an idea or phenomenon is *rooted* in a particular context. This move uproots and reroots facts to make them misleading. Deracination is stripping an idea or phenomenon of its context. Reracination transplants it into a new context. It's a postmodernist tool of manipulating significance of facts without overtly lying. By changing the significance of facts, they change understanding.
Sep 2 11 tweets 3 min read
Because Communism is a fanatical religion that seeks to "liberate" (transform) the human soul. Family and faith ground you and your soul and keep you from wandering. Freedom allows you to believe things that aren't Communism. It is a spiritual battle. The fundamental belief of Communism isn't some economic policy or even its mode of transformation ("dialectical materialism"). It's that human beings are intrinsically Communist as a sociospiritual being ("species-being") and have been estranged from that by private property.
Sep 2 20 tweets 4 min read
As many of you know, I'm currently reading (when I have time to read) about the historical facts of Mao's Cultural Revolution, which are shocking. We know our kids are being made into a new Red Guard, but as I learn, I see it far more in the illegal aliens in our countries. 🧵 The details about how Mao, together with his general Lin Biao and propagandist Chen Boda, were able to build (1962-1966) and then unleash (June-August 1966) the Red Guard in China, especially Beijing, did not make me think of our brainwashed kids. They remind me of "migrants."
Aug 31 4 tweets 2 min read
There's a simple explanation for what's happening in the world right now if you'll let yourself accept it. It's a global Communist revolution.

The missing piece to accepting it is simply that Communism evolved to solve the problem of productive forces by incorporating fascism. An additional piece of interest is that Communism also evolved through the various liberation movements, initiated as "anti-imperialism" by Lenin, to adapt to each region's unique context, mostly through the technology of cultural revolution. So they're the same but different.
Aug 25 4 tweets 1 min read

But do understand "root causes" is a Marxist concept here referring to the "structural" causes, as Marxists see them: global inequality, climate change, American imperialism, etc.

Their analysis would conclude we owe them citizenship and reparations to address these. A Marxist "root causes" analysis of the border crisis would conclude that the border needs to be more open, people need help getting here, they then need help being here, citizenship should be granted, illegality should be dropped, climate change must be stopped, and the likes.
Aug 21 11 tweets 4 min read
They're Communists.

There's so much to say about this that I barely know where to start, from Biden's long relationship with the Council for a Livable World to Queer Theory and queering nuclear policy to Herbert Marcuse rearing his ugly head in American Leftism yet again. I guess we can start them with Biden, even though it's "Harris/Walz" "finishing the job."

Biden was elected to the Senate over 50 years ago by the Council for a Livable World, which @TrevorLoudon1 documents as a Communist front organization for gutting the American military.
Aug 14 16 tweets 4 min read
Real Communism is the heaven of the Communist religion. It's *never* real Communism, never will be real Communism, and never even can be real Communism. This is a standard Marxist cop-out to avoid responsibility for their failures, like usual. Image I've shared this snippet from Marx many times, but it's crucial to understand Marx's distinction between what he called "crude communism" and what I'd refer to as "transcendent Communism," which is what Marxism pushes, to understand why "real Communism has never been tried." Image
Aug 12 25 tweets 5 min read
It's almost impossible to understand what's going on with the Leftist use of the word "hate" unless you understand that they believe that the only people who are truly human are Communists. That's a fundamental Communist article of faith going back to Marx, btw. Image Let's start with Marx, in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (before the Communist Manifesto and more foundational):

His transcendent Communism is described as "the complete return of man to him­self as a social (i.e.* human) being." Image
Aug 12 6 tweets 2 min read
Communism, as an economic system, never works.

Communism, as an opportunistic religion, can work (for a time) on two conditions:
1) Capacity to engage in economic parasitism of other productive regions—stolen mines, e.g., and
2) "one country, two systems" state semi-capitalism. The People's Republic of China is "successful" because Deng Xiaoping's "one country, two systems" model integrated National Socialist economic structures into their Communist command economy, opening up the profit motive and becoming the world's manufacturing base.
Aug 4 6 tweets 2 min read
First, that won't work. They don't care. It's anti-West. That's all they care about.

Second, it's complicated. Islam(ism) doesn't fit neatly into a (very Western) Right/Left paradigm. Islam bears many characteristics in common with Communism too, but very differently. I do distinguish between Islam and Islamism, though I don't know enough about Islam to adjudicate on if Islamism is "true Islam." I know that Islamism as we see it now is the more or less direct result of Nazi propaganda and Soviet agitprop in the Arabic nations, so that's messy.
Aug 4 37 tweets 7 min read
The name for the political theory that results in Leftist cancel culture and screaming at Kyle Rittenhouse until he votes MAGA is called the friend/enemy distinction. It was posted by a German, Carl Schmitt, who became a Nazi. His political concept was later adopted by the CCP. Schmitt laid out this political theory in 1932, the year before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, in a little book called The Concept of the Political. It's not particularly long but is subtle enough to be difficult. It's also misleading in the usual German philosophy way.
Jul 30 16 tweets 4 min read
Republicans aren't "weird"; they're stupid.

The whole "weird" thing is a bait-dropping operation made to accomplish two purposes: (1) give the Dem base a stupid, annoying talking point that suits their superiority and (2) dialectical bait to make conservatives look like jerks. The old adage that there are two parties, the Evil Party and the Stupid Party is absolutely true, and it's vividly on display with this "weird" psyop. The Evil Party is deploying it, and the Stupid Party is falling for it. They're playing conservatives on a major blind spot.
Jul 26 16 tweets 4 min read
We in the West currently stand before the turning of the great tide of history. The Communists have been or are nearly exposed, and we now, or will soon, face a fateful and perhaps desperate choice of which way to go next. We have two choices here: catharsis and civilization. Catharsis is an emotional release, in fact a ritual purification of the self through emotional release, that arises after an overwhelming experience. An attempted Communist revolution that nearly succeeds and the destruction of our nations is such an overwhelming experience.
Jul 21 8 tweets 2 min read
It's theater, guys. They'll sunset him after they do the lionizing psyops for a few weeks. The entire project of Biden's removal, starting with the debate where they finally let his infirmity be seen, has been a long, rolling theater production so they can build positive momentum around a new face of the Party without losing face from Biden. It's all a show.
Jul 21 24 tweets 6 min read
Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen.
What "esoteric" means here is that it has a hidden meaning. It looks and sounds like goofy nonsense, but it isn't. People who know, know. That is, it's coded and Gnostic in its formulation and the principle she's articulating is ultimately Luciferian/Hermetic, a la Marx.
Jul 17 6 tweets 1 min read
MAGA has a choice to make, which has been set before it. Does it support Liberty, or does it crave power. It cannot have both. It needs to speak clearly, loudly, and with one voice that it supports American Liberty. Give us Liberty, or give us Death. For years now, a radical splinter on the Right has been organizing and growing. It has media apparatuses and apparatchiks. It has money. It has cozied up to politicians and even has some of its own. It has organized secret societies, and it is being laundered into MAGA.