James Lindsay, anti-Communist Profile picture
Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af. Cancelled by both sides. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
91 subscribers
Jan 16 32 tweets 7 min read
As I've done with cars and immigration, and as the Woke Left demonstrated with everything you can think of, it is possible to make a Critical Theory out of anything at all. Why don't we imagine what one would look like if it was done to Ronald Reagan. Critical Reagan Theory! 🧵 The way every Critical Theory works is always the same. It's ultimately a deconstructive process that takes belief in that something apart by selectively presenting the "problematic" elements and making wild insinuations and accusations (like Satan) about its impacts.
Jan 15 14 tweets 3 min read
What are the operational goals of the Woke Right?

Short term: Agitate and radicalize a segment of MAGA, esp. youth
Mid term: Fracture MAGA around issues and Trump specifically as Trump does Trump instead of WR things
Long term: Seize defeat from the jaws of victory for Left. In the immediate term, the Woke Right is running a radicalization blitzkrieg attack, pushing issue after issue that draw our young men into greater radicalization, anger, socialist thinking, postmodernist utilitarianism, etc. This is fracturing MAGA and has foreign help.
Jan 13 17 tweets 3 min read
On a deep level, though not the deepest level, what "Woke" represents is a broken relationship to the two fundamental pillars of civilization, these being truth and justice. Woke always relativizes and localizes both truth and justice within their own twisted worldviews. 🧵 What is truth? Truth is a description of how much fidelity to reality a belief has.
What is justice? Justice is when people get what they deserve and do not get what they do not deserve, both good and bad in both cases.

Civilization depends completely on truth and justice.
Jan 12 20 tweets 5 min read
An important tactic used by wedge movements, Gramscian infiltrators (long march into the institutions to establish counter-hegemonic control), militant ideologies, and especially WOKE is an old Soviet technique called "Entryism." You'll surely recognize it once described. 🧵 Yes, it really is called "entryism," or "entrism," or "boring from within," which is highly descriptive, and it's being used all around you by militant ideological factions including the Woke (how they took our institutions), Woke Right, and Islamists.
Jan 7 9 tweets 2 min read
There's a lot of confusion around Fascism partly because it refers to two different systems, one economic and one sociocultural/political (they obviously can overlap). Economic Fascism is union of state and corporation. The other is a narrowly defined, high-purity "nationalism." Most of the bugbear of Fascism as a fundamentally evil way to organize and run society refers to the puritanical doctrine of "nationalism," not the economic program that often gets linked to and defined by it, but Economic Fascism is a model of married state-corporate power.
Jan 4 30 tweets 5 min read
In a manner of speaking, though not literally, every Communist eventually ends up in the gulag he built to imprison and reeducate others.


It's because every powerful person in a Communist-like regime is vulnerable to baseless accusations of hypocrisy they cannot survive.🧵 In some sense, there are two types of societies: free and tyrannical. There are also two types of tyrannies: those run by warlords and what we might call Virtue Paradigms. While Communists can be as brutal as warlords, they run Virtue Paradigms.
Jan 3 17 tweets 3 min read
The key and most important difference between Woke and not-Woke is deeply philosophical. In fact, it's a metaphysical orientation, which is to say a worldview. It's anti-realism (Woke) versus realism (not). That's perception precedes reality versus reality precedes perception. The Woke worldview is anti-realist. It believes that perception precedes reality. Obviously, few people are fully committed to this position or have a developed awareness of it, but it boils down to that in varying degrees. Believing perception defines reality means Woke.
Jan 3 30 tweets 6 min read
So let's talk a little about the thing we've actually been fighting. If you follow me, you know I put most of it down to Communism (or Bolshevism), but that's an abbreviation for convenience. "Communism" is a 20th-century thing. We're fighting a Communist-Fascist hybrid. 🧵 We'll obviously have to explain what Communism, Fascism, Bolshevism, and Sovietism all are to really understand the thing we're actually up against (and making headway against!), but let's start by pointing out that today's grand global evil is a blend of these things.
Dec 30, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
What has always distinguished America as a nation is that it has always worked to reject an ethnonationalist conception of itself, as was encoded in our founding documents. Americans are a people in a place but a people who unite around the idea that ethnos isn't who we are. America is exceptional. It's the greatest nation in the history of the world. America is exceptional because it has a completely different conception of itself than every other nation on Earth. It is not an ethnonationalist project but one built on self-evident truths.
Dec 30, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Heard a rumor people at The Blaze might have taken Milo up on his bad information and are planning to publish an "expose" proving Mike O'Fallon and I have ties to the CCP. Let's hope they do. It's all nonsense, will cost them their jobs, and will let Mike tell a fun story. I don't know what Milo thinks he got, probably some old financial document, but Mike has never been shy about telling people that various CCP-affiliated people used to be his clients until he broke with them in 2013. In fact, it's his main point of credibility.
Dec 28, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
I didn't want to do this today, but, let's because it's a thing.

Vance: “One of the things you hear people say sometimes is that America is an idea. America is not just an idea. It is a group of people with a shared history and a common future. It is, in short, a nation.” 🧵 The Woke Right and its adjacencies are pushing what we might refer to as "the national question" pretty hard now, so we had better look into it. They're uprooting American patriotism and replacing it with nationalism, which is tactically a serious error, as I've discussed.
Dec 28, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
Over the coming months, we're going to see a concerted effort from the Woke Right to rehabilitate Karl Marx, though not exactly. This has begun already, of course, so I'm not predicting so much as describing a trend in motion. You'll still be shocked by it. 🧵 The Woke Right actually accepts much of Karl Marx's work, particularly what they refer to as his "critiques of liberalism and capitalism," but they "disagree with his conclusions." In other words, they think Marx got the analysis right and that it can be used for different ends.
Dec 27, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Something we've failed to talk about for far too long is how well psychopathology and cluster-B personality disorders "upload" onto social media. Social media is basically an ideal environment for both of these and their manipulative tactics, so it ends up characterized by them. Jordan Peterson famously talked about something similar years ago regarding male and female modes of violence. Male violence, which is physical, tends not to "upload" to social media very well. Female violence, which is social, does. He controversially observed this.
Dec 24, 2024 28 tweets 5 min read
I know it's Christmas Eve and all (Merry Christmas, everybody!!), but it's also a good day to do a thread busting a couple of interrelated postmodernist myths (that is, lies) that tend to confuse people easily: lies about objectivity, rationality, and biases. 🧵 Let's start with postmodernist thinking before we get into the way they leverage this bogus claim:

We all have biases, are subjective, and fail in our reasoning, so there's no such thing as objective truth rationally derived.

Postmodernism is a peculiar worship of power.
Dec 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The perfect Woke Right post doesn't exis— Image Freedom is God's idea, not man's, not the devil's. This is not Christian.

"Tradition and duty" => fascism.
"Identity" [that is sacrificed] => ethnonationalism => fascism.
"Sacrifice the old gods to the new" not "deny God for idols."
Freedom, as God grants it, makes us slaves.
Dec 19, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
I used to give a three-part definition ofa critical theory, or critical consciousness, so Woke, derived from Max Horkheimer, who created the critical theory:

1) utopian concept of society
2) critical attitude towards everything opposing that concept
3) activist duty for 1 & 2 🧵 The question really is how can we tell "Woke Right" from people who want to save our country. The equally hard question from five years ago was how do we tell "Woke (Left)" from people who just have a socially progressive left agenda? It's hard, but these criteria are key.
Dec 18, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Reading about Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign and thinking about the Woke Right. I don't know if that's what's going on, but it's definitely plausible. The bad part is that if so, it's even more devious than Mao was. 🧵 Mao launched his infamous Hundred Flowers Campaign in the wake of Khrushchev's secret speech denouncing Stalin in 1956, which triggered a wave of "de-Stalinization" across the Communist world with everyone trying to put distance between themselves and Stalin and his abuses.
Dec 17, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
In light of recent developments, it's worthwhile to revisit George Soros and his methodologies for social change. He calls the method "reflexivity," and you cannot understand today's psychological manipulation and mass-formation psychosis without it.
newdiscourses.com/2024/04/the-re… Reflexive pushes take advantage of the gap between perception and reality to drive rapid social change. In practice, the first step is to create a widely believed misperception. This is accomplished through a "reflexive push" in which a desired fallacy is pushed hard all at once.
Dec 17, 2024 24 tweets 5 min read
Many people misunderstand me about what I think the threat of the Red Conservatives ("Woke Right") really is. It's not to seize and claim power, although they'd gladly take it. It's to spark conflict and ultimately scatter the loose coalition that elected Trump and split MAGA.🧵 Understanding my perspective on the Woke Right's purpose requires understanding first that I don't think it's a fully organic movement but instead one that probably mostly started organically and has been co-opted by savvier enemies of America (or was their creation).
Dec 15, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
Despite the evidences of the last few years, many people remain skeptical of conspiracy theory-sounding explanations for social movements. Like, are they really centrally controlled, or are they organic? Well, let me ask you this: do you believe in venture capitalism?🧵 The venture capitalist model pretty neatly explains how you can have quasi-coordinated social engineering that isn't centrally manufactured. Think of large NGOs and such as operating like venture capitalists for cultural activism and you pretty much have the model.
Dec 15, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
I'm going to attempt to explain how Woke people (Left and Right) can say Marx got some things right and is still useful even though his specific conclusions were wrong and sound credible. I'm also going to explain why they're dangerously wrong. 🧵 Image
This little sketch is the key to my argument, so let me explain what it is. It's a position together with a heading (think airplanes or sea navigation), or, alternatively, a depiction of position and momentum, not position alone. Understanding that both matter is key here.Image