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Poet & curator | Professor at @SapienzaRoma | Books by @DonzelliEditore @hanserliteratur @routledgebooks

Apr 25, 2023, 15 tweets

The unintentional dystopian beauty of oil rigs

1. Brage oil field, located in the North Sea 120 km northwest of the city of Bergen

2. The Cormorant Alpha platform, located 161 kilometres north east of Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland

3. Franklin Field, central North Sea. Photograph by Peter Iain Campbell

4. The Troll A platform off the west coast of Norway

5. The Draugen platform, Norway

6. Oil platform seen from Devereux Lagoon

[Photograph by Nandaro]

7. The Goliat field, one of the biggest offshore oil fields in the world, located in the Norwegian sector of the Barents Sea. Photographs by Evgenia Arbugaeva

8. Hibernia platform, Canada

9. The Berkut platform, especially designed for working in harsh subarctic conditions, is the biggest oil and gas platform in the world. It is located in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Russian Pacific Coast

10. A petroleum drilling site near Port Fourchon, La. Photograph by Chris Carmichael

11. Statoil’s Heidrun Platform, Norwegian Sea. Photograph by Anna Henly

12. Total Alwyn platform and connecting bridge to accommodation. Photograph by Anna Henly

13. West Alpha drilling rig, and supply vessel, in rough conditions in the North Sea as photographed by Anna Henly. This is their website: annahenly.co.uk/oil-and-gas-ph…

14. The decommissioned Brent Bravo. Source: thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/17722346.…

So many writing, this is not beauty... I rejoice!
Creating a basis for dialogue about what is beautiful is the first step towards a deeper understanding of the human

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