Jim Stewartson, Antifascist 🇨🇦🇺🇦🏴‍☠️🇺🇸 Profile picture
@RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2 Threads: jimstewartson, Bluesky: jim-stewartson, Mastodon https://t.co/ycc97UuQAu

Apr 25, 2023, 8 tweets

Mike Flynn portrays himself as a Catholic but he’s actually a member of a theosophical “I AM” cult.

Flynn recently reconfirmed his true faith by citing Isaiah 6:8 and raising his hand to say: “Here I am. Here I am.”

This has a special place in his cult.
summitlighthouse.org/pearls/1993pow… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Recently @GenFlynn retweeted a disturbing propagand video from neo-Nazi rapper @IAMTOMMACDONALD (note “IAM”) with “ISAIAH 6:8.”

The former National Security Advisor, who currently receives a pension from all of us, also included #IAMFLYNN in his tweet.
h/t #OSINTNinja🥷

Notably, the person who interviewed Mike Flynn in the OP is “True the Vote” propagandist, “2000 Mules” producer Gregg Phillips who went to jail for contempt of court and has been involved in a vast number of fraudulent criminal enterprises and active measures.

Theosophy was a hoax by Russian emigré Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century that blossomed into numerous movements.

Some of them are relatively harmless “New Age” beliefs, but some split into more dangerous ground, e.g. the Nazis and QAnon.

One of the movements that came out of theosophy was the “I AM Activity” which is the progenitor of Flynn’s cult Church Universal and Triumphant.

The “I Am Activity” was born from the pro-Hitler Silver Shirts — featured in @maddow’s podcast “ULTRA.”

Flynn has had “Isaiah 6:8” in his bio for years.
#IAmFlynn has been used as a hashtag to promote him.

The reason this is important is that it makes it easier to understand how his christofascist ideology matches with his actions. It’s a syncretic perversion of Christianity.

Reposting a subtitled version of Mike Flynn leading a Christian church in an occult prayer by a fascist “I AM” cult leader — not informing the congregation.

@GenFlynn deceived them into committing heresy.
He should not be free to do this.

Flynn ties his “personal priest” — disgraced former head US Catholic, Carlo Vigano, who runs pro-Putin conventions in Russia and Kremlin psyops through @GenFlynn — to “ISAIAH 6:8” and tries to pull in Elon Musk.

Vigano and Flynn are not Catholics. The want to destroy the Church.

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