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self-aware neuron, magical sci-fi realist, tech optimist, once fooled by superconductors;

Apr 26, 2023, 12 tweets

🤯 Palantir demo’ed a battlefield assistant calling in drones and quarterbacking a battle in Eastern Europe.

I’m sure @ESYudkowsky is going to be pleased at how fast this is moving.

🧵 👇

1) it’s a chatbot!
But with federated data retrieval based on intelligence classification access rules

2) notifications 📣 come in to the chatbot (this is 🤖 bot prompting human) first time I’ve seen in any demo

Reminds me of Command and Conquer : “Alert: Anomalous military activity detected”

3) Dynamic content UI - maps, graphics, form field.. chat bot generates whatever it needs in the chat window

“Show me more”

4) order a surveillance drone in chat!

5) see drone response in real time in chat window !

6) generate attack option recommendations

7) send attack approval from chain of command!

8) battlefield route planning in chat

9) weapons inventory analysis in chat

10) individual target 🎯 assignment!

11) amazing stuff. Palantir really providing value to the DoD.

Model they used was GPT-NeoX-20B fine tuned, though they have a Flan-T5 XL and a Dolly-v2-12b.

I’m sure @AiEleuther will be thrilled 😁

Best integrated AI I’ve seen. 2 years ahead.

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