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Apr 26, 2023, 6 tweets

The Louisiana House Education Committee just moved a bill out of committee to make it illegal for teachers to hide a child's gender transition from parents.

Here was the reaction from lgbt people who testified against the bill when the vote passed.

The committee also moved another bill to the floor that bans classroom discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation from K-12th graders.

One of the people who testified against it was a drag queen with a blue face who called himself "big gay baby."

A teacher testifies against the bill by talking about how her 4th grade students came out as queer to her after talked to them about sexuality.

A "He/They" tells the committee that the "blood of trans children will be on your hands" for making it illegal for teachers to transition a child behind the backs of parents.

This chick had to be physically removed from the committee room for refusing to give up the mic.

This teacher screams at the committee "I will not misgender my students. I will say gay. I will be a safe place. Trans kids belong in our schools!"

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