St. Michael the Archangel, Defend us in Battle | Joshua 1:9 | White House Rapid Responder | Trump '24 alum
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Jul 31, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
I'm going to keep a running thread of issues that Kamala Harris has flip flopped on.
2020: "There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking"
2024: "Lol jk"
2020: "I support a mandatory gun buyback program"
2024: "Akshully you can keep your guns😉"
Jul 10, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA) says requiring that only American citizens to vote in elections "is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax."
Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) says that requiring only American citizens vote is a "xenophobic attack."
Jan 30, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
BREAKING: Six pro-life activists were just found guilty in federal court after being prosecuted by Biden's DOJ under the FACE Act for protesting outside a Nashville abortion clinic.
Here's a snippet of the protest, which occurred on March 5, 2021.
For the crime of praying and singing hymns, these six activists now face a maximum of 11 years.
Here's video of one of the six activists being arrested.
Biden's DOJ sent the FBI to this man's house, who is the father of 11 children, because he prayed and sang outside an abortion clinic.
BREAKING: Josh Kruger, the left-wing Philly journalist who was murdered in his home last week by 19-year-old Robert Davis, had been in a sexually relationship with him starting when Davis was 15 and had threatened to post sexually explicit photos of him online, per the family.
The story came to attention last week after Kruger was murdered after he downplayed violence in Philly.
Things that are now illegal according to the Georgia indictment:
- Asking people for phone numbers
- Reserving rooms in a Capitol building
- Telling people to watch TV
- Getting people to attend legislative hearings.
More things that are now illegal according to the indictment:
- Holding meetings
- Calling people
- Asking people to call special sessions of legislatures
- Setting up phone calls
Jun 22, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
BREAKING: IRS whistleblower reveals that Hunter Biden once sent a text message demanding payment from his Chinese business associate telling him "I'm sitting here waiting for the call with my father" and that the DOJ prohibited investigators from executing a search warrant on……
The whistleblower also revealed that the IRS recommended felony charges for Hunter Biden because he failed to pay more than $2.2 million in taxes on $8.3 million of income from foreign entities in Ukraine, China, and Romania.…
Jun 20, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
NEW: This photo is from today at Jared Bossly's farm in Brown County, South Dakota.
Surveyors from Summit Carbon Solutions, currently filing an eminent domain lawsuits against him and 80 other landowners in the state for a carbon capture pipeline, showed up to his property with……
Read my story with the background info on the plight of South Dakota's landowners. They are facing property loss for the carbon capture, green energy scam and Republicans in the state led by their governor are doing nothing about it.…
Jun 8, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Wow. South Dakota farmer Jared Bossly, one of 80+ landowners in the state facing eminent domain lawsuits for a carbon capture pipeline, says he spoke to Gov. @KristiNoem about his situation and her response was "it's out of my hands... Am I supposed to fight all your battles?"
The answer to that question is, in fact, yes, it is your job as the elected governor of South Dakota to defend the property rights of your citizens.
But, as I reported in my story on Para Bellum, the company building the pipeline were platinum sponsors of Noem's inauguration……
Jun 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Indicting Donald Trump under the Espionage Act for Mar-a-Lago documents would be a fully insane abuse of power that it's hard to wrap your head around:
First of all, the Espionage Act is an unconstitutional relic of World War I that was passed in order to criminalize dissent……
The Espionage Act is also what the U.S. government has spent over a decade trying to extradite and charge Julian Assange under for the crime of reporting things that were leaked to him.
May 31, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
What I am about to tell you should be the most important story in America but no national media is talking about it. Read this entire tweet.
One of the biggest invasions of property rights in American history is currently happening in South Dakota to expand green energy.
When I spoke at length to Jared Bossly on the phone. I could feel the pain in his voice as he told me his story. He told me how he wants to preserve his farm so his kids can enjoy that way he and his family before did.
Last August, the Bills cut punter Matt Arazia after a woman accused him of gang rape.
Evidence has now proven Arazia was not at the house when the woman alleges he raped her and that she was having consensual sex with several dudes that night.…
This shit is so fucked.
The woman was having sex with several dudes, some of which was recorded on a phone and none of which involved Arazia.
Meanwhile, the Punt God's life was completely destroyed.
May 1, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This is an absolutely infuriating story. A black BLM activist named Zyahna Bryant falsely accused a white girl at UVA named Morgan Bettinger of wanting to run over BLM protesters while her car was surrounded by a mob at a BLM protest in the summer of 2020.
She was formally……
While Zyahna Bryant was getting glowing profiles in the Washington Post, the girl she falsely accused of trying to run over protesters had her plan of going to law school shattered and was being prescribed medication to sleep at night.
Apr 27, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
NEW: According to multiple sources, Abby Grossberg never met Tucker, was fired after a negative performance review, Fox could not find a single employee to corroborate her claims in the suit, and they could have settled with her but didn't.
Read it:…
My sources, all current and former Fox employees, also told me that the decision to fire him came straight from Rupert Murdoch and left Tucker and his staff blindsided on Monday morning.
It was part of a recent string of erratic management decisions by the 92-year-old media……
Apr 26, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The Louisiana House Education Committee just moved a bill out of committee to make it illegal for teachers to hide a child's gender transition from parents.
Here was the reaction from lgbt people who testified against the bill when the vote passed.
The committee also moved another bill to the floor that bans classroom discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation from K-12th graders.
One of the people who testified against it was a drag queen with a blue face who called himself "big gay baby."
Apr 24, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
BREAKING: The Montana House of Reps has been shut down by left-wing protesters who are there protesting the censure of transgender Democrat Rep. Zooey Zephyr, that was led by the @MTFreedomCaucus, for telling his Republican colleagues they have "blood on their hands" for passing……
Left-wing protesters bang on the doors to the Montana House Gallery. They are there protesting a @MTFreedomCaucus led effort to censure a transgender Democrat who told them they had "blood on their hands" for banning child mutilation.
Apr 18, 2023 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
NEW: I reviewed five high school AP U.S. History textbooks that cover all the way through the Trump presidency.
The historians who wrote them put their liberal bias on full display in what they included and what they left out.
Here's what I found🧵…
Here's how the textbooks I reviewed covered the minimal influence Russia had on social media in the 2016 election.
Meanwhile, none of them mention the Steele Dossier, how the FBI abused FISA to spy on Trump, the illegal unmasking of Michael Flynn, the Strzok/Page texts, etc.
Apr 5, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Wisconsin now has a Supreme Court that is going to strike down voter ID and bring back ballot harvesting before 2024. It was the most important election of the year and conservatives allowed themselves to get heavily outspent and didn't even notice until it was too late.
Janet Protasiewicz and liberal groups spent $23.3M on this race. George Soros gave $1M to the WI Dems right before the election.
Conservatives only spent $17.6M with Dan Kelly himself only spending $2.2M.
Total disaster. This can't happen in a race where the stakes are so high.
Apr 3, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Tomorrow is the Supreme Court election in Wisconsin.
This is what the liberal candidate @janetforjustice said about a man who raped his 14-year-old cousin before giving him just a 15 month sentence.
"I don't think you did anything other than engage in a crime of opportunity."
But it gets worse: Janet Protasiewicz gave no jail time to a 25-year-old man who abducted a 15-year-old girl, raped her, got her pregnant, and blamed his victim during the trial.
BREAKING: I found the Twitter account of disgraced FBI agent Timothy Thibault's girlfriend.
Her posts suggest the FBI is going to retaliate against the whistleblowers who came forward to Congress about him covering up Hunter Biden's laptop
Follow along🧵…
As you may recall, Timothy Thibault was one of the FBI agents who was in charge of the Hunter laptop investigation.
The bill to ban TikTok is absolutely terrifying. It gives the government the ability to go after anyone they deem as a national security risk at which point they can access everything from their computer to video games to their ring light.
This is a Patriot Act for the internet.
Believe it or not, it gets even worse: If you find you in violation, they can put you in jail for 20 years, fine you $1M, and seize your property.
They can also deem any foreign government an adversary without informing congress and everything they do is not subjected to FOIA.
Mar 8, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Tucker Carlson didn't "downplay violence" that occurred on J6 by releasing the footage. What he did was blow apart the narrative that J6 was a "violent insurrection danger to democracy" that justified putting supporters of Trump in jail. That's why the uniparty is freaking out.
At the end of the day, January 6 was not an insurrection, or a coup, or a danger to democracy. Tucker exposed what it actually was: A fiery but mostly peaceful protest that temporarily halted Congress. But the facts don't allow Dems to keep justifying why Trump should be in jail.