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Royal Expert

Apr 27, 2023, 5 tweets

Speaking about whether it’s fair to protest against the King new panellist @Marvyn_Harrison says the monarchy mismanaged the good royals like Diana and Prince Harry and Meghan and it’s fair to protest and express a sentiment against the monarchy.

Angela says it’s decent and respectful not to protest on Charles’ big Coronation day.

@Marvyn_Harrison conveys that the monarchy fumbled the bag by rejecting opportunities to embrace modernity and the choice of Camilla as Queen is an issue.

“I speak for people who do not have empathy (for the king with the gold crown on his head).”
Says @Marvyn_Harrison

FINALLY Jeremy Vine smells a rat re: school kids posse chanting “He’s our king.” at a Charles and Camilla engagement Vs #NotMyKing

@Marvyn_Harrison conveys that kids should not be used to repair the monarchy’s bad PR and he would not let a school make his child chant that.

It’s very fishy.

Very much appreciated @Marvyn_Harrison ‘s contributions today on this topic and all the others like a breath of fresh air.

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