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Leading one-stop NFT marketplace on #Avalanche #BNB Built by @traderjoe_xyz

Apr 27, 2023, 6 tweets

Brand New Look, Same Great Joe.

⚠️ The video contains fast flashing images

We've evolved our look and feel, but remain the same beloved Joe at heart 💜

The Trader Joe brand revitalization captured its essence while creating space for growth, welcoming the Web3 community while staying true to its roots.

With Joe, what you see is what you get.

The Mission 🎯

Trader Joe is here to make DeFi easy and accessible for the average Joe, by providing simple solutions, great experiences, and a welcoming environment.

Why revitalize the brand? 🤔

We’re moving beyond the digital realm of web3, and to achieve this goal, we are working on creating a consistent brand identity that works well across all mediums.

A Very Warm Welcome 🏡

Evolving from a digital-first aesthetic to an approachable brush-style, Trader Joe aims to appeal to an ever-expanding web3 community.

Enjoy easy-to-use DeFi tools and accessible solutions in the most warming and welcoming of communities.


Delve into the unique aspects of Trader Joe's rebrand - read the article now 👇…

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