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New Era Aesthetic | Art & Architecture | Midjourney | Runway | Leonardo

Apr 29, 2023, 8 tweets

🔆Midjourney: Pro Tips
--welcome to banner design and showcase

Thread about showcase banner design for your artworks. Prompts in ALT #midjourney #banner #design #showcase

🚩Here is an example of my design approach, This point of view can improve your prompts:

1. In start, you can think about and artist and style. It will definetely help you. Some examples below:

-Inspired from "Black Square" (1915) by Kazimir Malevich

-Did you realize that when we add ''whitelight showroom'' token, color composition reversed?

2. Now, we are adding some details in style; minimalism, suprematism, geometric abstraction etc.

-You can also try different compositions without artist and style.

3. Some examples about: Rectangle

4. Some examples about: Circle

5. Need more space: Waffle

6. Of course you can push limits!

7. Final step, edit your artworks with simple touches.
I preferred Multiply option in PS.

-So here is my artwork showcase! What is your's? Thread is ended for now! Thank you!🚩

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